Showing 431-440 of 11,958 results

Dachshund with its owner getting checked by a veterinarian.
Expert Advice: Health Deworming Dogs: What You Need to Know
Dogs can come into contact with internal parasites at any point in their lives, including before they are born. These parasites—which are often different types of worms—can cause problems once they find their way into your dog's gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Depending on the parasite, your dog may experience symptoms, but this isn't always the case. […] | April 24, 2023
Legislative Alerts Nevada Update on Bills Impacting Dog Owners
The Nevada Legislature is considering several bills impacting dog owners. AKC is asking for your help in supporting a reasonable cruelty bill containing several AKC amendments and a bill requiring communities to provide at least one pet-friendly emergency shelters.   In addition, you are encouraged to comment on bills that would allow private citizens to remove […] | April 21, 2023
Legislative Alerts California Update on Bills Impacting Dog Owners
AKC is monitoring several bills impacting dog owners in California. Below are a few highlights, including three bills with upcoming hearings, and three pending bills that could use comments of support. To see the complete list visit the AKC legislative action center at  and/or the AKC legislative tracker.  AKC Government Relations (AKC GR) will […] | April 21, 2023
Leonberger laying on a grassy path in the woods.
Expert Advice: Flea & Tick Ehrlichiosis in Dogs: What You Need to Know
Being proactive with tick prevention helps protect your dog from nasty tick-borne diseases, including ehrlichiosis. Learn more about ehrlichiosis in dogs. | April 20, 2023
SpotOn GPS Fence
Expert Advice: Home & Living What Is a GPS Dog Fence and How Do They Work?
SpotOn Wireless GPS dog fencing changes the way we keep dogs safe to run, play, and roam. Create and customize a boundary with just a collar and an app! | April 19, 2023
Expert Advice: Feature Attorney Gives Up Full-Time Practice to Devote Time to Dog Sports
"Going to the dogs" has a whole new meaning for Karen Scheiner, who practiced law for three decades but fell in love with dog sports along the way. | April 17, 2023
Legislative Alerts Florida: Bills that Limit Dog Breed Discrimination Advance, Send Support for HB 941/SB 942
Good news! Bills that would end remaining city/county dog breed bans in Florida continue to advance in the state legislature. House Bill 941 and Senate Bill 942 seek to authorize governmental public housing authorities to adopt policies related to dogs provided that requirements are not specific to a dog’s breed, weight, or size. These bills also […] | April 14, 2023
Expert Advice: Weight Management Is Intermittent Fasting Safe for Dogs?
Humans often try new trending diets to help them lose weight. If you want to help your dog shed some few pounds though, should you try intermittent fasting, and is it safe for dogs? | April 14, 2023
Australian Cattle Dog standing up on a fence outside a pasture.
Expert Advice: Flea & Tick Ticks on Dogs: What to Look For
We all know that spring and summer are seasons to be on high alert for ticks. Dogs are particularly susceptible to tick bites and can also carry ticks into the house. Tick-borne diseases—such as Lyme disease, canine ehrlichiosis, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and canine anaplasmosis—can affect both humans and dogs. And although ticks are common throughout […] | April 13, 2023
Expert Advice: Flea & Tick Keeping Your Dog Safe During Your State’s Flea & Tick Season
As seasons change and get warmer, flea and tick seasons change too. Learn your state's season and how to prepare your dog against fleas and ticks. | April 12, 2023

Showing 431-440 of 11,958 results