Showing 411-420 of 836 results

German Shorthaired Pointer laying down in its crate in a truck.
Expert Advice: Dog Gear & Accessories How to Choose the Best Dog Carrier
Whether you and your dog travel the world together or you just need something to carry your dog to the vet, a dog carrier is a useful tool. A dog carrier or travel crate keeps your dog safe while riding in a vehicle, and makes it possible for you to take dogs on planes. There […] | August 2, 2021
Expert Advice: Dog Breeds Does a Completely Hypoallergenic Dog Exist?
Do you or a member of your family suffer from allergies when around dogs? Perhaps you sneeze, get itchy or watery eyes, hives on your skin, or even more serious respiratory issues. If you are a dog lover, you may have avoided owning one because of this problem, especially if the allergy symptoms are extreme. […] | July 20, 2021
Expert Advice: Breed History Boykin Spaniel History: South Carolina’s Little Brown Swamp Dog
It was strange, eerie even, like one of those science-fiction movies where a person wanders into a town invaded by space aliens. No matter where you looked, there they were: little brown dogs. They were romping on lawns, trotting into grocery stores, sailing by on shrimp boats, and peering out the windows of cars and […] | July 19, 2021
Boerboel dog or South African Mastiff walking through grass
Expert Advice: Breed History Boerboel History: Behind the South African Farm Dog
Isn’t it always best to get a dog from its country of origin? I mean, you can’t get more authentic than a German Shepherd Dog from Germany, or an Italian Greyhound from Italy, or a Chinese Shar-Pei from China – right? Well, not so fast. That answer is highly breed dependent. And in the case […] | July 15, 2021
Expert Advice: Dog Breeds Lhasa Apso History: Tiny Tibetan Watchdogs
When dog lovers hear the phrase “mountain dog,” their thoughts naturally turn to the big guys: Saint Bernards, Great Pyrenees, Bernese Mountain Dogs, and other large, immensely powerful breeds created to guard flocks and rescue luckless travelers amid the world’s great mountain ranges. But dogs specially bred to thrive in high altitudes come in all […] | July 1, 2021
Expert Advice: Fun With Your Dog How One Senior Samoyed Filled His Bucket List
What's that? A few white hairs in your dog's muzzle? Come to think of it, your BCF (Best Canine Friend) catches more zzz's than usual, and unlike the puppy years, doesn't fly into a frenzy every time the doorbell rings. Your senior dog is slowing down. Now might be a good time to make a […] | June 21, 2021
Pages K-12 Lesson Plans
AKC Education provides lesson plans for grades K-12 in the subjects of social studies, science, math and language arts. All lessons are aligned to national curriculum standards. K-2: Canine Art: Making Inferences from Painting Word Syllables with Dog Breeds Learning Subtraction with Hardworking Puppies Needs vs. Wants 3-5: Magic Treehouse Fact Tracker: Dog Heroes The […] | June 11, 2021
Expert Advice: Dog Breeds Bedlington Terrier History: Head of a Lamb, Heart of a Lion
Dogdom has quite a few breeds that take their inspiration from other species: The dainty Papillon is named for its butterfly-evoking ears. The Shar-Pei is always channeling its inner hippopotamus. And a number of Asian breeds, from the Pekingese to the Tibetan Spaniel, were intentionally bred to evoke the king of beasts in miniaturized form. […] | June 7, 2021
Expert Advice: Breed History Briard History: How the French Shepherd Dog Won Over Thomas Jefferson
Anyone foolhardy enough to be outdoors in Le Harve, France, on a stormy, windswept evening in October 1789 would have beheld a curious sight: a conspicuously tall, ginger-haired gentleman striding through a soaking rain, urgently searching for something he apparently held quite precious. Onlookers in the old port city might have wondered if he was […] | June 2, 2021
English Setter in the backyard with a tennis ball.
Expert Advice: Growth & Development How to Care for Your Large-Breed Dog
From the Labrador Retriever and the Golden Retriever, to the German Shepherd Dog and the German Shorthaired Pointer, some of America's most popular dogs are large breeds, achieving an adult weight in the range of roughly 45 to 90 lbs. These large dogs are different from smaller dogs and extra-large breeds in more than just size […] | May 27, 2021

Showing 411-420 of 836 results