Showing 391-400 of 602 results

Expert Advice: Fun With Your Dog Want to Get Happy? Walk the Dog
We all know that our dogs need walks. They need exercise, as well as mental stimulation, to be content and stable. Of course, it doesn’t hurt us to get some outdoor physical exercise, as well. So every day, we leash our dogs up and hit the pavement or the trail. But it isn’t just our […] | February 18, 2019
Expert Advice: Common Behavior Issues Ask Our Trainers: Why Does My Dog Hoard?
  Why Does My Dog Hoard? Hoarding behavior in dogs is an instinctive behavior that originated during the time when their ancestors did not have regular meals appear magically, at least twice a day. They were lucky if they ate every few days, and if there was a jackpot of more food than could be […] | August 24, 2017
Expert Advice: Common Behavior Issues Why Do Dogs Dig?
  One of the most frustrating behaviors dog owners experience is digging. Many a garden has been sacrificed to the paws of a digging dog, and it can become a nuisance if it's not understood and managed. Understanding why dogs dig is an important tool in controlling the behavior, especially if the digging is only […] | June 15, 2017
Expert Advice: Common Behavior Issues What Bad Habit of Their Dogs Would Dog Owners Most Like to Stop?
What Bad Habit of Their Dogs Would Dog Owners Most Like to Stop? No one’s perfect, and that goes for our dogs, too. In spite of all the training, practicing, and positive reinforcing, sometimes our dogs pick up a few not-so-great habits. When AKC polled its members, it found that the most common bad habit […] | October 12, 2015
Expert Advice: Dog Breeding Canine Genetics for Dog Breeders: Part 3
Read part one and part two of this series. Genetics is a fundamental field of biology that covers the passage of genetic information to successive generations (inheritance). More broadly, genetics covers the study of genes, how they are organized in cells, how they are regulated, and how they interact with each other and the environment. Genetics is […] | December 10, 2018
Expert Advice: Common Behavior Issues Help! My Dog Won’t Stop Chasing the Cat
Are your dog and cat fighting like, well, cats and dogs? Here are tips from the GoodDog! Helpline on how to prevent an interspecies war in your household. Are your dog and cat fighting like, well, cats and dogs? Here are tips from the GoodDog! Helpline on how to prevent an interspecies war in your household. Prevent […] | January 1, 2009
Pages 2018 Lifetime Achievement Award Nominees
In its endless pursuit to recognize outstanding members of the fancy, The American Kennel Club Lifetime Achievement Awards were created and first awarded in 1999 to honor our best. The purpose of the awards is to celebrate those individuals whose many years of dedication have led to significant contributions to our sport on a national […] | December 13, 2017
Woman holding and kissing a West Highland White Terrier.
Expert Advice: Basic Training 6 Ways We May Be Misunderstanding Our Dogs
We all love our dogs. In fact, some of us probably love all dogs. The bond between human and canine can be so close that it might seem we can read each other’s thoughts and feelings. While this is true to some extent, the fact is that dogs are not people; they don’t behave, react, […] | June 16, 2017
Expert Advice: Cute & Funny 10 Matching Halloween Costumes For Kids and Dogs
It's that oh-so-spooky time of year again. This Halloween, why not match your kid's costume to your dog's costume? By the prickling of my thumbs, something fluffy this way comes. Wonder Women Female power! These costumes are perfectly suited for a superpowered pairing.   Zookeeper and Lion You have to have a zookeeper to keep […] | October 25, 2016
Expert Advice: Grooming Expert Tips on Grooming Feet, Eyes, and Ears
Creativity and patience are the keys to success when grooming feet, eyes, and ears. Below are some tips from groomers and dog owners. Grooming Toes When grooming a dog's toes, training is key. Essentially, you need your dog to do several things at the same time: Hold still so that you’re less likely to cut […] | October 27, 2016

Showing 391-400 of 602 results