Showing 381-390 of 938 results

Expert Advice: Health Coping with Dog Loss and Grief in the Midst of the Coronavirus
There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you. —Maya Angelou A young vet assistant carried my Lab, Fergus, into a room set aside for euthanasia. While Fergus lay on a large, soft pillow, I lay down beside him. I told him what a good guy he was and how I loved him. […] | July 22, 2020
Expert Advice: Feature Lend a Paw: Dogs Deliver Groceries and More During COVID-19 Pandemic
It's well known that dogs increase happiness, reduce stress levels, and improve overall health. During the COVID-19 pandemic, dogs have been a source of relief: whether they're cuddling on the couch beside us, in cute online videos, or in refreshingly positive news headlines. We've rounded up the most positive dog-related stories from the week of […] | March 30, 2020
Expert Advice: Vet's Corner Did Your Pet Gain Weight During the Pandemic?
Lockdown, Our Lives, and Our Pets The past year of dealing with the pandemic has been challenging for all of us. Our pets have been there through all of it with us from the good (the extra companionship) to the bad (overeating, binge-watching television, and not exercising regularly). Unfortunately, our altered lifestyle has also taken […] | May 5, 2021
Expert Advice: Dog Breeds American Water Spaniel History: An Origin of Mystery
It’s a cool, crisp Wisconsin morning and the sun is golden and bright, as a photographer and her dog walk quietly through the natural world. Suddenly, the curly-coated brown dog rushes into a thicket and a ruffed grouse flies out from its place of hiding. Quickly the photographer lifts the camera to her eye, as […] | June 10, 2022
Labrador retriever laying down outdoors on a leash.
Expert Advice: Common Behavior Issues How To Train A Dog To Go Through The Dog Door
Having a dog door seems like it would make life so much easier. These secured entrances are built into existing doors and allow dogs to let themselves in and out of the house without you needing to do so yourself. It gives those with a fenced-in yard quick access to relieve themselves—but using one is not […] | May 26, 2022
Public Education Educator Resources War Dogs
Expert Advice: Feature Military Working Dogs Through History
On Oct. 27, 2019, a 5-year-old Belgian Malinois military working dog named Conan took part in the Barisha raid, which resulted in the death of the leader of ISIS. Conan joined a long list of heroic military working dogs. Call ‘em what you want — war dogs or military working dogs — they have been around for centuries […] | May 21, 2020
All American Dog in dock diving.
Expert Advice: Dog Sports 2022 AKC Diving Dogs Premier Cup Winners
The 2022 AKC Diving Dogs Premier Cup, held in collaboration with North American Diving Dogs, took place on April 2 at the World Equestrian Center in Ocala, Florida. Top dogs made a big splash competing in Distance and Air Retrieve, with the top three in each receiving prize money. The competition aired on ESPN2 on […] | May 16, 2022
Basenji puppy hiding under furniture.
Expert Advice: Health Can Dogs Have Panic Attacks?
If you've ever experienced a panic attack yourself, you know that the effects can be debilitating and scary at the moment—and can even be traumatizing long term. This severe anxiety episode can present itself as cardiac arrest in humans—and do our pets feel that sense of panic the same way that we do? Erin Askeland, […] | May 16, 2022
Expert Advice: Fun Facts The American Kennel Club Celebrates 135 Years of All Things Dogs
On a September day 135 years ago, long before the days of most dog sports, dog TV, and Instagram, a group of 12 dedicated sportsmen from dog clubs across the country met in Philadelphia, at the behest of Civil War veteran Major James M. Taylor. This meeting of the "club of clubs" would go down in history […] | September 16, 2019
Pages 2018 AKC US Detection Dog Conference
2022 | 2019 | 2018 The second AKC US Detection Dog Conference was a success with a capacity attendance. Internationally known subject matter experts delivered thought provoking presentations that covered the breeding, training and deployment of Explosives Detection Canines as well as discussions on the domestic shortage of these amazing dogs. Thank you to the […] | November 8, 2018

Showing 381-390 of 938 results