Showing 351-360 of 1,890 results

French Bulldog eating its birthday treat at the table.
Expert Advice: Lifestyle How to Bake a Birthday Cake for Your Dog
Looking to celebrate your dog's birthday? Try baking them a pet-safe birthday cake. Use this dog birthday cake recipe to celebrate your pup. | September 20, 2020
Expert Advice: Why does my dog... Why Do Dogs Dig?
Digging is such a source of joy for so many dogs. Has your dog filled your yard with holes? Does your garden look like gophers had a wild party? Digging is a common problem behavior in dogs, and many dog owners suffer the consequences at some point. It can be challenging to prevent, and dangerous […] | October 25, 2019
Expert Advice: Why is my dog... Why Is My Dog Hiding Things?
Some dogs love hiding toys, treats, and anything else they can find. Learn why dogs hide things, and what to do if the behavior becomes a problem. | November 6, 2019
Expert Advice: Training Why Does My Dog Jump on Furniture?
Odds are, if you own furniture, your dog is going to want to jump on it. And why not? A good couch is comfy, cozy, often near a window that's ideal for watching other pups — or squirrels — and it smells like you. But while your dog leaping on furniture or counters is perfectly […] | November 12, 2019
Close-up of a Beagle eye.
Expert Advice: Why does my dog... Why Does My Dog Stare At Me?
Dogs spend lots of time staring at us owners, but why do dogs stare so much? Communication, expectation, and understanding are some reasons why dogs stare. | November 19, 2019
Golden Retriever being walked and trained by a woman outdoors.
Expert Advice: Basic Training “Leave It” Command: Training Your Dog to Ignore Food and Other Items
The "leave it" command can keep your pet from eating dangerous items. Here's how to teach your dog to ignore items that they shouldn't eat. | November 22, 2019
Beagle puppies being held in a woman's arms.
Expert Advice: Puppy Health How to Spot a Sick Puppy: Signs and Symptoms to Look For
With so much to do like training, socialization, and more, it can be hard to catch the beginning stages of a sick puppy. Knowing the warning signs can help. | December 9, 2019
Broholmer puppy head portrait outdoors looking up.
Expert Advice: Training Grab and Hold Your Dog’s Attention With the ‘Watch Me’ Cue
Training your dog to focus on you with the "watch me" command is important for all dog owners. Learn tips and tricks for teaching "watch me" to your dog. | December 25, 2019
Beagle sitting waiting for a treat being held above his head.
Expert Advice: Training New Year’s Resolutions to Improve Your Dog Training Routine
Start the new year by deepening your relationship with your dog. Try these three New Year's training resolutions and reap the rewards. | January 1, 2020
Expert Advice: Basic Training Training Your Dog to Ignore Distractions—No Matter Where You Are
Does your dog only listen at home or training class and ignore you everywhere else? Maybe you suspect your dog is stubborn and only obeys when they feel like it. Well, getting your dog to come when called or to sit and stay is easy in a quiet house. Doing so while out and about in a […] | January 1, 2020

Showing 351-360 of 1,890 results