Showing 341-350 of 443 results

Expert Advice: Breeding & Whelping The Hidden Benefits of Pet Insurance for Breeders
In recent years, pet insurance seems to be taking the pet healthcare industry by storm. Something that was once non-existent has gone from mildly popular to almost commonplace. An increasing number of pet owners are utilizing the benefits of pet insurance, and in turn, veterinarians are seeing more claim forms cross their desks. This increased […] | May 16, 2016
Legislative Alerts Ask New Mexico Committee to Support Allowing First Responders to Perform Emergency Veterinary Treatments
February 22, 2019 A bill has been brought forward by New Mexico kennel clubs that would allow first responders to perform certain emergency veterinary procedures (such as CPR, bandaging wounds, and opening airways) when it is immediately necessary. House Bill 598 is pending in the House State Government, Elections, & Indian Affairs Committee.  Those who […] | February 22, 2019
Legislative Alerts Washington Considering Two Bills Limiting Consumer Choice on Tuesday (2/12/19)
February 11, 2019 The Washington Senate Committee on Labor and Commerce and the Washington House Committee on Consumer Protection and Business will hold hearings on identical bills on Tuesday, Feb. 12. Senate Bill 5209 and House Bill 1640 will prohibit retail pet stores from selling dogs or cats, unless those animals were obtained from an […] | February 11, 2019
Expert Advice: Dog Breeding Canine Genetics for Dog Breeders: Part 3
Read part one and part two of this series. Genetics is a fundamental field of biology that covers the passage of genetic information to successive generations (inheritance). More broadly, genetics covers the study of genes, how they are organized in cells, how they are regulated, and how they interact with each other and the environment. Genetics is […] | December 10, 2018
Expert Advice: News Sacramento Valley Dog Fanciers Association Shares Story of Successful 2018 Show
So many factors conspire against show-giving clubs that the variables can seem daunting, even up until the playing of The National Anthem. But the satisfaction of hosting a successful event can put all the challenges behind the committee, building optimism for next year’s shows. Finally, the Sacramento Valley Dog Fanciers Association (SVDFA) rediscovered that positive […] | December 5, 2018
Pages 2018 Lifetime Achievement Award Nominees
In its endless pursuit to recognize outstanding members of the fancy, The American Kennel Club Lifetime Achievement Awards were created and first awarded in 1999 to honor our best. The purpose of the awards is to celebrate those individuals whose many years of dedication have led to significant contributions to our sport on a national […] | December 13, 2017
Expert Advice: News Federal Bomb-Sniffing Dogs Trained To Find Homemade Explosives
Terrorist attacks around the world have showed the need for security to focus on the threat of homemade explosives and concealed firearms used in many lone-wolf plots. On the forefront of that process are the sharp-nosed dogs of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF), within the Department of Justice. Take, for example, […] | February 15, 2016
Legislative Alerts Atlanta, GA to Consider Limits on Consumer Choice, Barking Dog Laws on October 23
The City of Atlanta’s Public Safety & Legal Administration Committee is scheduled to vote on an ordinance to on Tuesday, October 23, that would restrict sourcing of animals to pet stores. Instead, they would only be allowed to provide animals from shelters or rescues. Even if you do not personally provide dogs to pet stores, […] | October 19, 2018
Legislative Alerts IN: Noble County to Vote on Breeder Restrictions, Other Animal Control Laws on October 22
Noble County Commissioners are expected to vote on Monday, October 22, on two proposals that would have a direct impact on dog owners who reside or participate in events in the county – including a proposal that would restrict virtually all breeding in the county. If you live in Noble County or participate in dog […] | October 18, 2018
Expert Advice: Dog Breeding Canine Genetics for Dog Breeders: Part 2
This article is the second in a two-part series. Read part one. Genetics is a fundamental field of biology that covers the passage of genetic information to successive generations (inheritance). More broadly, genetics covers the study of genes, how they are organized in cells, how they are regulated, and how they interact with each other […] | October 9, 2018

Showing 341-350 of 443 results