Showing 3,331-3,340 of 3,367 results

Press Releases AKC Announces Enhanced Online Registration
  -- Transfer Fees Eliminated for Online Registrations -- The American Kennel Club (AKC®) is pleased to announce the debut of a new service that enables individual dog owners to more quickly and easily register their dogs at Beginning today, AKC is issuing dog registration applications containing a unique PIN code. Puppy registrants who […] | August 31, 2005
Legislative Alerts Remarks from Dr. J. Holt Regarding PAWS 2005
-- Click here for more information about PAWS -- --Monday June, 13 AKC Delegate Meeting, Chicago IL Remarks from Dr. James Holt, AKC's Legislative Liaison Regarding the Pet Animal Welfare Statute of 2005-- The Chair now calls on Dr. James Holt, AKC's Legislative Liaison to address this body. Dr. Holt: Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and […] | June 20, 2005
Legislative Alerts AKC Board of Directors Convenes to Address Pet Animal Welfare Statute of 2005
-- Click here for more information about PAWS --   -- Board Reaffirms Support of Proposed Legislation --   Chicago, IL - At a meeting of the American Kennel Club (AKC®) Board of Directors today, the Board reaffirmed their position to support the principles in the Pet Animal Welfare Statute (PAWS) of 2005, a bill […] | June 12, 2005
Legislative Alerts Jim Holt Interview
-- Click here for more information about PAWS -- The following is an interview with AKC's federal government relations consultant Jim Holt in response to dog owners' questions about PAWS. The article originally appeared in Dog News June 10th, 2005. Who is regulated under current law and how would PAWS change that? In simple terms, […] | June 10, 2005
Legislative Alerts Analysis of PAWS (SB1139/HR2669)
-- Click here for more information about PAWS -- To help dog owners better understand the recently introduced PAWS legislation, please see the bill analysis below as prepared by Dr. James Holt, AKC's federal government relations consultant. SECTION BY SECTION ANALYSIS OF S. 1139/H.R. 2669, THE "PET ANIMAL WELFARE STATUTE" (PAWS) INTRODUCED MAY 26, 2005. […] | June 9, 2005
Legislative Alerts Pet Animal Welfare Statute (PAWS)–FAQs
-- Click here for more information about PAWS --   On May 26, 2005 Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA) introduced legislation which will bring under federal regulation persons who import large numbers of dogs for resale, individuals who sell dogs at retail through the internet or the mass media, and high volume breeders who sell dogs […] | June 3, 2005
Legislative Alerts Senator Santorum Introduces Legislation to Strengthen Enforcement of the Animal Welfare Act
-- Click here for more information about PAWS --   On May 26, 2005 Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA) introduced legislation which will bring under coverage of the federal Animal Welfare Act some persons who import dogs for resale or sell dogs at retail through the internet or the mass media which they did not breed […] | May 27, 2005
Legislative Alerts Mandatory Spay/Neuter Ordinance Proposed in Austin
Purebred dog owners in Austin—we need your help! The city's Animal Advisory Committee recently approved a proposal that could have a devastating impact on our sport. The measure, which now goes to the City Council for consideration, includes a mandatory spay/neuter provision for all dogs and cats over 6 months of age unless one purchases […] | May 24, 2005
Press Releases Sit! The Popularity of Small Dogs is Here to Stay
  Small dogs—those weighing less than 20 pounds—have held a steady place in the hearts of Americans over the past four years according to American Kennel Club registration statistics. Since 2000, four of the top ten most popular breeds have been small dogs, indicating that while Americans may be gravitating towards bigger cars and appetites […] | April 15, 2005
Legislative Alerts Breeder Licensing Bills Introduced in Tennessee
Hobby breeders could soon be considered "dealers" in Tennessee if H148 or its companion S1686 are enacted. Both bills would require anyone who breeds and sells more than one litter of puppies per year to be licensed as a "dealer." In Tennessee, dealers must be inspected by the state and pay anywhere from $125-$1000 annually […] | March 7, 2005

Showing 3,331-3,340 of 3,367 results