Showing 3,221-3,230 of 3,367 results

Legislative Alerts Analysis of PAWS (SB1139/HR2669)
-- Click here for more information about PAWS -- To help dog owners better understand the recently introduced PAWS legislation, please see the bill analysis below as prepared by Dr. James Holt, AKC's federal government relations consultant. SECTION BY SECTION ANALYSIS OF S. 1139/H.R. 2669, THE "PET ANIMAL WELFARE STATUTE" (PAWS) INTRODUCED MAY 26, 2005. […] | June 9, 2005
Legislative Alerts Senator Santorum Introduces Legislation to Strengthen Enforcement of the Animal Welfare Act
-- Click here for more information about PAWS --   On May 26, 2005 Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA) introduced legislation which will bring under coverage of the federal Animal Welfare Act some persons who import dogs for resale or sell dogs at retail through the internet or the mass media which they did not breed […] | May 27, 2005
Legislative Alerts Mandatory Spay/Neuter Ordinance Proposed in Austin
Purebred dog owners in Austin—we need your help! The city's Animal Advisory Committee recently approved a proposal that could have a devastating impact on our sport. The measure, which now goes to the City Council for consideration, includes a mandatory spay/neuter provision for all dogs and cats over 6 months of age unless one purchases […] | May 24, 2005
Legislative Alerts Breeder Licensing Bills Introduced in Tennessee
Hobby breeders could soon be considered "dealers" in Tennessee if H148 or its companion S1686 are enacted. Both bills would require anyone who breeds and sells more than one litter of puppies per year to be licensed as a "dealer." In Tennessee, dealers must be inspected by the state and pay anywhere from $125-$1000 annually […] | March 7, 2005
Legislative Alerts Vermont Considers Breeder Licensing
Attention Vermont fanciers! Sen. John Campbell is sponsoring S66, a bill that would amend the definition of "pet merchant" to include anyone who sells, exchanges, or donates animals. Duly incorporated humane societies would be exempt. Under existing law in Vermont, "pet merchants" must be licensed by the state at a cost of $150 per year. […] | February 23, 2005
Legislative Alerts Virginia Breeders Face Licensing and Mandatory Spay/Neuter Bill – Update!
UPDATE: HB2927 was stricken from the docket on February 2nd. Many thanks to the Virginia Federation of Dog Clubs and the countless Virginia dog owners who helped make this victory possible! Please continue to watch our Web site for information about other pending legislation in Virginia.    [Monday, January 24, 2005] Immediate help is needed […] | February 3, 2005
Legislative Alerts Stanislaus County, CA Faces Breeding Restrictions
A fast-moving proposal in Stanislaus County could severely impact the breeding rights of local fanciers. The proposed ordinance is scheduled for a public hearing on Tuesday, November 30 at 9:35 AM. If enacted, the ordinance would: Require owners to obtain a $100 annual license for intact dogs or cats over the age of four months. […] | November 18, 2004
Legislative Alerts Attention MA Fanciers: Calls Needed Now!
The AKC has learned that Massachusetts's budget bill was sent to conference committee late last week. Thanks in large part to lobbying efforts by purebred dog fanciers, the Senate version of the bill does not appear to contain any language that will impact breeders. However, the House version does still include an amendment that would […] | June 1, 2004
Legislative Alerts Updated: Help Still Needed in MA!
The Massachusetts Federation of Dog Clubs reports that late-night budget talks in the House last week resulted in yet another change to Rep. Kujawksi's proposed breeder amendment. The final budget bill that was sent to the Senate for consideration now requires regulation for those who breed and sell more than five litters of puppies or […] | May 3, 2004
Legislative Alerts Calls Needed NOW on Massachusetts Budget Amendment
Urgent help is needed from Massachusetts dog owners regarding a proposed budget amendment that will negatively affect responsible breeders. The Massachusetts Federation of Dog Clubs reports that having been unsuccessful at pushing through an onerous commercial breeder licensing bill (H4537), Rep. Paul Kujawski plans to introduce an amendment to the House budget bill on April […] | April 23, 2004

Showing 3,221-3,230 of 3,367 results