Showing 311-320 of 3,367 results

Socialize Your Puppy to Fit Your Lifestyle
Expert Advice: Puppy Training Socialize Your Puppy to Fit Your Lifestyle
Effective socialization includes ensuring that your puppy experiences early in life some of the things you know he will encounter later on. Technology requires that hardware devices—computers, smart phones, and so on—have software operating systems that enable them to perform the tasks we want and need. Dog personalities are not unlike technology. Temperament is hard-wired […] | March 23, 2015
Expert Advice: Breeding Tips & Best Practices Puppy Training Tips For Breeders
All puppy training takes time and effort, but the results are worth it. The way a breeder trains puppiesvaries from breeder to breeder -- and these things can change as experiences dictate. Following are tips on supplies and methods that have proven to work well. Supplies Needed A fence or gate to contain the puppies. […] | March 23, 2015
Expert Advice: Breeding & Whelping Bringing Up Puppy
Raising puppies the right way helps to ensure that they will grow up to be happy and well-adjusted companions for life. There is a lot involved in properly raising a litter of puppies. Creating a “dream doggie” who looks like and acts like his or her breed should involves both genetics and nurture. Breeder Pat […] | March 23, 2015
Expert Advice: Lifestyle How to Buy an Italian Greyhound Puppy
Maybe this column should be titled “How Not to Buy an Italian Greyhound Puppy.” There are some definite “no-no’s” when it comes to shopping for a purebred puppy of any breed, but there are actually some things that apply to IGs that might not be an issue for other breeds. The first “no no” that comes […] | March 1, 2015
Expert Advice: Fun Facts Getting a New Puppy? First, You Wait!
AKC Gazette breed column, Miniature Pinschers—It can take a little bit of patience before you can bring home that much-anticipated new puppy—but if you’ve chosen a good breeder, it’s worth the wait. Well, it’s done. You did the research by reading books and checking the American Kennel Club and the website of your chosen breed's […] | January 3, 2015
Expert Advice: Breeding Tips & Best Practices How Do Breeders Evaluate Puppy Buyers?
The Internet is full of advice on evaluating breeders, but there is almost nothing on how breeders view potential puppy buyers. Curious, I put together a questionnaire, and eleven breeders responded. Asked how they begin to weed out buyers, breeders agreed on the basics. The most critical requirement is that a buyer has the financial […] | January 1, 2015
Expert Advice: Puppy Training From Puppy to “Good Dog!”: Early Steps Help Ensure Puppies Become Well-Mannered Adults
AKC Gazette breed column—An experienced dog trainer points out how puppy classes and early socialization help ensure a puppy will become a well-adjusted, well-mannered adult dog. As a professional dog trainer, I get calls every day from owners looking for help. The discussion starts with me asking how I can help them. If the caller […] | November 12, 2014
Expert Advice: Dog Breeding “The One”: Thoughts on Puppy Selection
No matter how much time you spend searching for the right stud dog for your gorgeous bitch, no matter how much money you spend on stud fees, shipping expenses, vet bills, and so on, it’s all for nothing if you can’t pick out the best pup from the litter. Years ago I thought I’d solve […] | September 14, 2014
Expert Advice: Puppy Training Preventing Puppy Resource Guarding
If you notice that your puppy is beginning to protect her toys, bed, balls, food, and other prized worldly possessions, she is starting to do what animal behaviorists call "resource guarding." As with many behavior problems, the best solution for resource guarding is prevention and doing early training to keep the behavior from happening in […] | March 5, 2014
Expert Advice: Puppy Training When Should You Start Training Your Puppy?
It used to be that trainers and veterinarians recommended that puppies begin training classes as soon as they were old enough to have all of their vaccines and boosters. What this meant was that some puppies didn't get to class until they already had behavioral issues and were headed down the path to a problem […] | January 15, 2014

Showing 311-320 of 3,367 results