Showing 311-320 of 602 results

Expert Advice: Basic Training What to Do if Your Dog Gets Away From You
A dog owner’s worst nightmare is losing her dog. But accidents can happen. Your dog can slip past you when you open the door; slip out of his collar while on a walk; or dig or climb out of your fenced yard. What Should You Do if Yours Gets Loose? Stay calm, even though your […] | August 22, 2016
Expert Advice: Basic Training How to Teach Your Dog to Come When Called
Your dog has spotted a squirrel and is running after it in the direction of the road as a truck is barreling toward him. You yell, “Come!” as loudly as you can. What happens? Does your dog pivot and run back to you, avoiding a potentially life-ending injury? Or, does he make the ultimate mistake […] | August 22, 2016
Expert Advice: Puppy Training How to Establish Boundaries and Routines With Your Puppy
Header photo: SheltieBoy/Flickr Your puppy is growing up, and by now you've established the house rules and routines. If all has gone well, you've been consistent and patient while teaching your dog what is and is not acceptable behavior. He's on a feeding schedule, is on his way to being house-trained, is happy in his crate, […] | August 22, 2016
Expert Advice: Lifestyle Rover, Move Over! Tips on Sharing a Bed With Your Pet
Did you know that an AKC survey revealed that 21% of dog owners stated the reason they let their dogs sleep with them at night is to keep warm?  And in the case of who—or what—occupies most of the bed space, 44% of respondents admitted their dog takes up the most room. If you do […] | September 19, 2016
Expert Advice: Puppy Information Before You Get a Puppy, Consider the Cost
Any dog lover knows there is no greater relationship than that between dog and owner. We love our dogs! We love playing with them, cuddling with them, and having them to come home to everyday. Owning a dog, however, is no easy responsibility. While owning a dog will be filled with love and happiness, it's […] | December 14, 2016
Expert Advice: Breeding Tips & Best Practices Puppy Socialization Starts With the Breeder
Socializing puppies has traditionally been considered the responsibility of the new owner. Breeders instruct their puppy buyers to take the puppies to classes and make sure they are exposed to a variety of people and situations. But research shows that encouraging a stable temperament can start even before puppies are born. Breeders can do a […] | November 16, 2016
Expert Advice: Puppy Training Puppy Proofing: Save Your Home From Puppy Destruction
  Your new puppy has been home for two days, and you are already wondering how you are going to keep her from tearing the house down. Shouldn’t she know better? First, remember that this is a baby dog, no different than a human toddler. Don’t expect your puppy to understand that she should not […] | June 19, 2017
Expert Advice: Breeding Tips & Best Practices Puppy Socialization Starts With the Breeder: The 4-to-6-Week Period
  Socializing puppies has traditionally been considered the responsibility of the new owner. We instruct new owners to take the puppy to classes and make sure they are exposed to a variety of people and situations. But recent research shows that encouraging a stable temperament can start even before puppies are born. Breeders can do […] | July 5, 2017
Expert Advice: Puppy Training Puppies Like to Roughhouse — Tips for Safe Play Between Humans and Dogs
  Just like human children, puppies love to play. But since they don’t have opposable thumbs, they use their mouths for most games. Virtually all puppies play this way. It’s normal, and it is not a sign that your pup will become an aggressive dog. Your puppy does not mean to hurt you when he […] | May 31, 2017
Yorkshire Terriers together outdoors.
Expert Advice: Studies Are We Gender-Stereotyping Our Dogs?
"Female dogs are moodier; males are more playful." "Females are more dog-aggressive; males are more human-aggressive." "Males are more loyal." "Females are sweeter." Everyone, it seems, has an opinion on sex differences in dogs—these are just a few I collected in an informal poll. But is there any truth to these distinctions, or are they […] | May 12, 2021

Showing 311-320 of 602 results