Showing 3,171-3,180 of 3,367 results

Legislative Alerts MD to Consider Bill Containing Misleading Findings, Limiting Pet Sales on 3/3
The Maryland House Economic Matters Committee is scheduled to consider a bill tomorrow (Tuesday, March 3) that contains some very troubling legislative findings (including implying that breeders are the reason dogs end up in shelters) and also restricts certain pet sales in the state. AKC encourages Maryland residents to contact the committee and respectfully educate […] | March 2, 2015
Legislative Alerts Madison (WI) to Consider Mandatory Spay/Neuter, Home Breeder Regulations
Four proposals have been introduced by the Madison City Council that will have a direct impact on dog owners, fanciers, breeders, and sportsmen in the city. Residents and those that participate in dog events in Madison are strongly encouraged to contact the council regarding these proposals, as well as the commissions mentioned below. Click here […] | October 24, 2014
Legislative Alerts URGENT: Wyoming Cruelty Bill Advances
On January 19, the Wyoming Senate Agriculture Committee unanimously passed Senate File 100, which seeks to add "puppy mills" and "animal hoarding" to the definition of animal cruelty. The AKC strongly supports the humane treatment of dogs, including providing an adequate and nutritious diet, clean living conditions, regular veterinary care, kind and responsive human companionship […] | January 20, 2011
Legislative Alerts Federal PUPS Legislation Information Update
The American Kennel Club and our Washington, D.C.-based advocacy team continue to closely monitor S. 3424/H.R. 5434, the federal Puppy Uniform Protection and Safety (PUPS) Act.  There has been no official action on the bill since its introduction in late May.  As previously reported, the 2010 PUPS bill seeks to expand federal regulation of dog […] | July 22, 2010
Legislative Alerts Oklahoma Update: Legislative Deadline Approaching
This Thursday, April 22, marks the important "3rd reading" deadline for Oklahoma legislation.  All bills that already passed their house of origin and were transferred to the other legislative chamber must be read for the third time and debated in that chamber by the end of the day Thursday.  This is a key deadline for […] | April 20, 2010
Legislative Alerts Jefferson Parish, LA, to Consider Breeder Licensing, Differential Fees, Spay/Neuter Law
The Jefferson Parish (LA) Council will consider several changes to the Parish’s animal ordinance on Wednesday, March 24.  In addition to other provisions imposes breeder permits and requires dogs to be spayed or neutered upon a second redemption from the Parish’s animal shelter during the lifetime of the animal.  The American Kennel Club opposes several […] | March 22, 2010
Legislative Alerts Oklahoma Breeders Bill Heading for Conference Committee
House Bill 1332, which seeks to regulate Oklahoma dog breeders, is likely to be heard in conference committee in the next week. This is the last chance for this bill to be amended prior to being given a final vote.  While a number of AKC’s concerns have been addressed, there are still some provisions we […] | May 12, 2009
Legislative Alerts Urgent Update: Oklahoma Senate to Vote on HB 1332 Today. Call Your Senators This Morning!
The Oklahoma Senate has placed HB 1332 on its schedule for today, Wednesday, April 22, 2009. The AKC asks all responsible dog owners, breeders and fanciers to call their senators this morning and urge them to oppose this legislation. The AKC’s Oklahoma Federation notes that the following Senators remain undecided: Coffee, Lamb, Bingman, Laster, Aldridge, […] | April 22, 2009
Legislative Alerts New Hampshire Committee to Consider Unreasonable Breeder Bill
New Hampshire House Bill 1624, which seeks to impose many unreasonable and unnecessary restrictions on responsible dog breeders and owners, will be considered by the House Environment and Agriculture Committee on Thursday, January 21.  The American Kennel Club and our New Hampshire federation, the Dog Owners of the Granite State, both oppose this measure as […] | January 11, 2010
Legislative Alerts URGENT – Vote and Preserve Your Rights to Own and Breed Purebred Dogs
The AKC Canine Legislation Department reminds all fanciers and concerned dog owners to go to the polls tomorrow to make your voices heard. This year’s election is expected to be close at the federal level, but it is important to remember the impact of voting for your state and local leaders too, as these officials […] | November 6, 2006

Showing 3,171-3,180 of 3,367 results