Showing 301-310 of 440 results

Expert Advice: Basic Training How to Make Vet Visits (Almost) Stress-Free for Your Dog
Regular veterinary visits are essential for your pet's health and wellness, but they can be stressful for dogs. And it's no wonder. They usually only go a few times a year, and when they do, they get poked, prodded, and stuck with a needle. But vet visits aren't optional, so try these simple at-home exercises and […] | June 23, 2021
Chihuahua with mouth wide open, ears spread.
Expert Advice: Studies How Does Your Personality Impact Your Likelihood of a Dog Bite?
“I don’t know what the problem is, but dogs are always trying to bite me,” said the man talking to me, who appeared to be in his mid-20s. “For example,” he continued, “just last Tuesday, I was hurrying down the street because I was running behind for a luncheon appointment. I was just passing by […] | March 31, 2021
Expert Advice: Feature How One Trainer is Paving the Way For Transgender Dog Handlers
As a child, Dresden Graff remembers being terrified. First, there was the fear that loomed over him in Baptist school: What if I'm gay? What will my parents think if they find out? Then, there was the scarier question: How would my parents handle me coming out as transgender? Coming into his own identity as a teen was […] | June 16, 2021
Expert Advice: Dog Sports Dog Athletes of the Month: Kahlua and Whiskey Advance Through Dog Sports
The first time Za'Ria Thomas took Kahlua paddle boarding, Kahlua was petrified. The Miniature American Shepherd has a thin undercoat, so the chilly California water quickly makes her cold. Unlike her 15-month-old brother, Whiskey, a true water dog who loves jumping off paddleboards and swimming, 20-month-old Kahlua likes to stay on the board and out […] | November 1, 2020
Expert Advice: Fun Facts Why Small Dogs Behave Differently Than Large Dogs
I was sitting in front of a coffee shop drinking an overpriced cappuccino with two friends. At the table next to us sat two women, one who had a Chihuahua with a red leather, rhinestone-studded collar. The dog hovered near her feet and paced back and forth to the extent that his leash would allow, […] | April 27, 2021
Expert Advice: Health House Calls, Mobile Apps Help Quell Anxiety for Dogs Going to the Vet
It’s a pitiful sight. Your dog’s tail is squeezed between his legs, he’s straining against his leash like he’s being pulled over a cliff, his eyes are pleading up at you: “Pleeease don’t make me go to the vet’s office!” Dogs who dread going to the veterinarian have an uncanny way of sensing when it’s […] | February 10, 2016
cavalier king charles spaniel puppy walking indoors on the floor
Expert Advice: Puppy Training How to Train a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Puppy
Preparing the sweet, gentle Cavalier King Charles Spaniel to follow good behavior guidelines isn't tricky. This graceful, fun-loving toy spaniel only wants to please you. With some planning, persistence, and a positive outlook, your puppy quickly takes to training. Sandy Harrison, Recording Secretary of the American Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club, acquired her first Cavalier […] | May 26, 2021
Expert Advice: Common Behavior Issues How Can I Get My Dog to Behave Quietly at Home?
Ask AKC  Dear AKC: We have a ten-month-old puppy that we got when he was three-months-old from the local shelter. He has a lot of energy and when he runs around the house he knocks things over and jumps on the kids. I keep him out in the garage most of the day now because he […] | May 12, 2015
little dog in the airline cargo pet carrier, at the airport after a long journey
Expert Advice: Travel & Adventure Airline Pet Policies: A Guide to Dog Travel Requirements for Flying
As people around the world start to travel again, dog owners should be aware that many airlines have changed their rules on pet travel during the past year. So what do you need to know before flying with your dog, and what are the various airlines' requirements? We've got you covered. Note: These guidelines are […] | April 5, 2021
Why puppies and female dogs hump or mount social
Expert Advice: Puppy Health Why Puppies and Dogs Hump (or Mount)
Owners are often amused or embarrassed when their dog or puppy begins humping or mounting a person, object, or another dog. Humping, or mounting, is typically seen when a dog is over excited, hence why it happens frequently when groups of dogs are playing. It's not an abnormal behavior among dogs; however, it does have the potential […] | December 30, 2015

Showing 301-310 of 440 results