Showing 3,011-3,020 of 3,367 results

Expert Advice: News Puppies reduce stress and improve exam results
It’s that time of year for students, exam time and to recognize this stressful time a group of students at a college in England has put aside a puppy room for stressed out students in conjunction with a local charity for Guide Dogs. The University of Lancashire student union’s SOS (Stressed Out Students) campaign allows […] | May 12, 2015
Expert Advice: Common Behavior Issues How Do I Change My Dog’s Bathroom Habit?
Ask AKC   Dear AKC: My dog is a wonderful Jack Russell Terrier/Chihuahua mix. My question has to do with taking him to go out. He will only go to the bathroom where other dogs have gone. My husband and I moved into a townhouse where no one has lived before. As a result, he will […] | May 12, 2015
Expert Advice: Common Behavior Issues How Can I Get My Dog to Behave Quietly at Home?
Ask AKC  Dear AKC: We have a ten-month-old puppy that we got when he was three-months-old from the local shelter. He has a lot of energy and when he runs around the house he knocks things over and jumps on the kids. I keep him out in the garage most of the day now because he […] | May 12, 2015
Expert Advice: Natural & Whole Foods 7 Foods Dogs Should Not Eat
Harmful Snacks Most dogs will sample just about anything that resembles food. Responsible owners prevent their dogs from eating anything that could be harmful. Veterinarians offer this list of seven foodstuffs that dogs should not be allowed to eat. Xylitol-containing products: Xylitol is an artificial sweetener often found in sugar-free candy and gum. It is extremely toxic […] | May 12, 2015
Canine Partners Junior Handler & Rescue Dog Rally To Success
Seventeen-year-old Linnea Corlette and her All-American Dog, Reece, won first place in the Rally Advanced class with a nearly perfect score of 99 at the AKC Juniors Classic. The annual national competition spotlights junior handlers working with their dogs in Obedience and Rally. The event was held in December in Orlando, FL, in conjunction with […] | May 8, 2015
Canine Partners Former Shelter Dog Excels at Search & Rescue
This article originally appeared in the AKC Canine Partners News newsletter. Chris Moore and her family were content with owning two small dogs until a crime stripped their security away. The family returned home one day to discover a theft had taken place. Their home had been broken into, but thankfully, their Miniature Dachshunds, Mocha […] | May 7, 2015
Expert Advice: Lifestyle Most Popular Male And Female Dog Names In America Today
Good dog names are hard to come by. In the popular television series “Columbo,” the detective played by Peter Falk was sometimes accompanied by his droopy-faced basset hound. His dog’s name: Dog. Most dog owners are a bit more imaginative when it comes to naming their pets. The list of the most popular dog names generally doesn’t […] | May 7, 2015
Canine Partners Rescue Moms & Pups Get Second Chance Through Special Program
This article originally appeared in AKC Family Dog magazine. Alaska wags her tail and wiggles her body every time a person approaches. She has a great grin and calm demeanor but, turned in as a stray to a small rural shelter, her adoption chances were slim. She was an adult. She was black (the least […] | May 6, 2015
Expert Advice: Safety Preparing Your Dog For Spring
When the flowers start to bloom and spring fever strikes, you'll want to make sure you and your dog are ready. Luckily, there are steps you can take to ensure that this lovely season is an enjoyable and safe one. Spring Health Preventatives for Dogs Spring checkups are a great time to check to see […] | May 6, 2015
Legislative Alerts Iowa Alert: Breeder Regulations Bill Number Changes (Again), Concerns Remain
May 5, 2015 A bill remains active in Iowa that would further regulate breeders, hobbyists, fanciers, groomers, and rescues and require them to pay significant license fees.  Iowa dog owners, breeders, and fanciers are strongly encouraged to contact your State Senator and ask them to oppose Senate File 502.  Even if you already contacted your […] | May 5, 2015

Showing 3,011-3,020 of 3,367 results