Showing 3,001-3,010 of 3,367 results

Expert Advice: Common Behavior Issues My Dog Pees In Her Crate
Ask AKC   Dear AKC: I have a 4-month-old German Shepherd Dog. She is wonderful, loving, sweet, and does all that she can to please. However, we have a big problem. She is peeing in her crate every night. I read that by 4 months this should stop - it hasn't. She comes out in the […] | May 16, 2015
Expert Advice: Common Behavior Issues Controlling A Hyper Dog
Ask AKC  Dear AKC: I recently adopted a seven-month-old Bernese Mountain Dog. He is approximately 64 pounds. He knows sit and down but he tends to jump up a lot and also I have no control when he is on a leash. I would like to be able to take him for walks instead of the […] | May 16, 2015
Canine Partners AKC Honors Therapy Dogs with Titles
A visiting dog did her best, but she could not raise the 10-year-old’s spirits. “He looked at Kacey and was just lying there and petting her head a bit while she had her head on the bedside,” Kacey’s owner John Smead recalled. Then the boy’s mother began reading Kacey’s “bio” card that shows her picture […] | May 15, 2015
Expert Advice: Responsible Breeding When Your Dog Dies and People Say “It Was Just a Dog”
When we lose one of our beloved companions, sometimes a person will say, “Hey, it’s just a dog.” Those of us who have had dogs in our lives look at that person as if they’ve lost their mind. How can you say this is just a dog? He was a part of my life, and […] | May 15, 2015
Canine Partners Afghanistan Pup Loving Life in US
Ally spends her days like a typical suburban canine. She watches for the squirrels and birds that wander into her yard. She plays with her favorite toy – a squeaky football. Occasionally she breaks into a run and makes speedy loops around her house, just to show those pesky squirrels that she could catch them […] | May 14, 2015
Expert Advice: Feature Guide Dog Started Saving People Before He Was House Trained
Merrick, a 4-year-old black Labrador Retriever, works as guide dog for a blind man. But his career as a savior started when he was just a tiny pup. Lorraine Trapani, the volunteer puppy raiser who took 11-week-old Merrick under her wing in 2011, says that this tiny bundle of black hair, high spirits, and energy […] | May 14, 2015
Canine Partners Tribute to a Canine Partners Trail Blazer
AKC Canine Partners is re-printing this story that originally appeared in the spring 2012 issue of the Canine Partners News newsletter in loving memory of Magi, also known as MACH Magic Carpet Ride and who passed away at age 12 in 2013. photo by Karen Moureaux Magi was one of the first mixed-breeds to earn […] | May 13, 2015
Canine Partners A Guide to Toy Shopping for Your Pup
This article is brought to you by Christie Canfield of the AKC GoodDog! Helpline training team. The helpline is a seven-day-a-week telephone support line staffed by experienced dog trainers. It can be bewildering. Enter a pet supply shop to buy your dog a present and face aisle after aisle of different toys. Which one and […] | May 13, 2015
Expert Advice: Basic Training CGC In Veterinary Clinics
The first animal care professional that many dog owners know and trust is the veterinarian. As a growing number of veterinarians are recognizing the benefits of early training for dogs, there is an increase in CGC and AKC STAR Puppy classes in veterinary settings. Dr. Judy Little of the Osceola Veterinary Clinic (Iowa) has arranged […] | May 13, 2015
Expert Advice: Fun Facts Dogs Give Us Lessons in Life and Death
By Mary Fish ArangoWhen you add a pet fish to family life, you’re pretty much guaranteeing lessons about changing the water, life’s need for oxygen, and the daily responsibility of feeding and caring for another living being. A little later, you step up the game and get a pet guinea pig, hamster, gerbil, or rat. […] | May 13, 2015

Showing 3,001-3,010 of 3,367 results