Showing 291-300 of 602 results

Expert Advice: Feature Leader Dogs for the Blind Provides Guide Dogs to Those in Need
All dog owners knows the bond they share with their dog is special, but when it comes to service dogs for the blind and visually impaired, the owner and dog form a true partnership. The dog relies on the owner for instruction and direction, yet the owner relies on the dog to keep him safe […] | December 20, 2016
Expert Advice: Basic Training The Benefits of AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy Training Classes
You’ve brought your new puppy home, purchased the right food, a leash and collar, and all other the essentials you’ve been told you need. But what’s next? You’ve heard that it’s important to get your new dog off to a good start, but you’re not exactly sure what that means. Experienced dog owners can tell […] | March 6, 2017
Expert Advice: Breeding Tips & Best Practices Why Picking a Breeder Is Just as Important as Picking a Puppy
  You want to add a new dog to the family and have decided on the breed. You are excited about bringing a puppy home, but now a different search begins — for the right breeder. Adding a puppy to the family is a big decision to be made carefully, not impulsively. Selecting a responsible […] | May 31, 2017
Gus 2
Expert Advice: Cute & Funny Meet Olympian Gus Kenworthy’s Sochi Puppies All Grown Up
Earlier this year, skier Gus Kenworthy returned to the United States from the 2014 Olympic Games in Sochi with a silver medal—and an armful of stray puppies. (Well, the puppies technically came about a month later after they got the care they needed for the transport.) Two of the puppies, named Jake and Mishka, now live with Gus and his […] | January 1, 2009
Expert Advice: Puppy Training Build a Great Relationship With Your New Puppy — Four Training Strategies
By LeAnn Miller You just got home with your gorgeous fluff of a pup, and you have grand visions of competing in one or more of the many canine events available. Or maybe you’d like a wonderful housepet who has great manners. How to get started? Following are some strategies to help you build your […] | January 1, 2009
Expert Advice: Puppy Training 5 Things You Should Know Before Starting to Train Your Puppy
Before you start training your puppy, there are a few things that you should know.Training is important. It helps you bond with your pooch and show her what’s expected of her. It will also help her feel more secure, as she will understand what you want from her.Training is based on reward and correction. Note […] | January 9, 2014
Expert Advice: Puppy Training Preventing Puppy Resource Guarding
If you notice that your puppy is beginning to protect her toys, bed, balls, food, and other prized worldly possessions, she is starting to do what animal behaviorists call "resource guarding." As with many behavior problems, the best solution for resource guarding is prevention and doing early training to keep the behavior from happening in […] | March 5, 2014
Expert Advice: Puppy Training Socializing Shouldn’t Be Scary for Your Puppy
Is every attempt to "socialize" a puppy really good for him? Sometimes puppies are forced to endure unpleasant, emotionally damaging situations when their owners follow advice that was given with good intentions. To ensure that our pup receives every opportunity for optimal mental and physical development, we often need to stop, take a calming breath, […] | May 19, 2015
Why puppies and female dogs hump or mount social
Expert Advice: Puppy Health Why Puppies and Dogs Hump (or Mount)
Owners are often amused or embarrassed when their dog or puppy begins humping or mounting a person, object, or another dog. Humping, or mounting, is typically seen when a dog is over excited, hence why it happens frequently when groups of dogs are playing. It's not an abnormal behavior among dogs; however, it does have the potential […] | December 30, 2015
Golden Retriever holding a leash up to a woman laying on a couch.
Expert Advice: Home & Living How to Prep Your House for a Pet Sitter
By Anna Burke and Harriet Meyers One weekend last winter, my neighbor managed to schedule a relaxing getaway to soak up the sun in Florida. She made arrangements for a pet sitter to care for her Rhodesian Ridgeback, and left the sitter the code to the keypad on the garage door and several pages of […] | May 21, 2021

Showing 291-300 of 602 results