Showing 2,981-2,990 of 3,367 results

Young English Springer Spaniel
Expert Advice: Grooming How Long Until My Dog Grows Back Her Thick Winter Coat?
ASK AKC  Dear AKC: We just had our 11-month-old English Springer Spaniel trimmed. My husband and I are of a different opinion because our girl actively walks two miles a day in a reserve, walking into mud puddles and the river bed, but usually comes home clean (thanks to the Orvis 'sling' in our Explorer) and […] | May 16, 2017
Expert Advice: Responsible Breeding Should I Breed My Dog?
At some point, every dog owner is faced with the question: To breed or not to breed? If you are considering becoming a breeder, please keep the following in mind. Responsible breeders embrace the belief that each new litter should represent an improvement over the last. Responsible breeders are aware that each breed has an […] | May 4, 2015
Expert Advice: Responsible Breeding Asking These Questions Can Only Benefit New Dog Owners
Knowing the right questions to ask prospective owners helps breeders get a feel for the type of home they will provide. As breeders it’s important to make sure to provide them with the information they need (the breed’s activity level and grooming needs, for example) to accurately answer these questions. Here are 10 questions to […] | April 9, 2015
Expert Advice: Breeding Tips & Best Practices Breeders and Taxes
Breeder Tax Options and ResponsibilitiesBreeders must be aware of all tax options and discuss them with a tax professional. Whether you owe a substantial amount or have a refund coming, start your tax planning at the beginning of each year. For many dog breeders, just like thousands of other Americans, the scramble to file taxes […] | April 15, 2015
Expert Advice: Breeding Tips & Best Practices Advice from the Breeder: Miriam “Buffy” Stamm, Anstamm Scottish Terriers
(AKC Breeder of Merit Buffy Stamm was co-breeder of the 2010 Westminster Best in Show winner, GCh. Roundtown Mercedes of Maryscot. In 2008, She was named AKC Terrier Breeder of the Year.) A few years ago, our most promising young stud dog had already sired the Best of Winners at two national specialties. One of […] | July 14, 2015
Expert Advice: Basic Training Tips on Dealing With a Dog Who is a Compulsive Kisser
Does your dog try to give your feet a bath every time you take off your shoes?  While licking is a natural behavior in a puppy’s litter, it sometimes continues into adulthood as a greeting, show of affection, or a means of communication.  If your dog is a compulsive kisser, the American Kennel Club’s Canine […] | June 12, 2013
Expert Advice: Lifestyle Empty Nesters: Adding a Dog to Your Life
A very attractive 50-something year old woman took her seat beside me on the plane. Within a few minutes, she looked at the carry-on bag under my seat and said, "What's in the bag?" I thought it was an odd question, but I replied. "A sandwich and some books." She began to laugh. "I'm so […] | January 13, 2014
Expert Advice: Lifestyle Winter Care for Canines
General ConcernsWinter's cold air brings many concerns for responsible dog owners. Keep the following precautions in mind: Don't leave your dog outside in the cold for long periods of time. Wind chill makes days colder than actual temperature readings. Be attentive to your dog's body temperature, and limit its time outdoors. Adequate shelter is a […] | May 4, 2015
Expert Advice: Breeding Tips & Best Practices Tax Tips For Dog Breeders
They are two words that strike dread in many hearts (and pocketbooks): tax day. And for dog breeders, there’s good reason to be cautious. Dog-related deductions and other write-offs from activities that could also be hobbies can trigger a red flag at the Internal Revenue Service. But sound business practices will make tax season easier […] | March 21, 2016
Expert Advice: Lifestyle Please Oh Please Can We Have a Dog?!
When kids go on a campaign to get a dog, they’re in it to win it. They’re not going to let up until they’re zooming around the back yard or curled up on a club chair with a furry four-legged fido. So you may come to realize that it’s time to add a canine to the […] | May 1, 2015

Showing 2,981-2,990 of 3,367 results