Showing 2,801-2,810 of 3,371 results

Expert Advice: News [Photos] Border Collie Missing for 7 Years Reunited With Family
  Ten years ago, Australian couple Nikki and Simon were devastated when their 6-month-old Border Collie, Sammy, went missing from their yard. Seven years later, their dog was returned to them, and it was clear he had suffered from neglect. After he was nursed back to health, the couple invited photographer Kelly Pilgrim-Byrne to do […] | February 26, 2016
Canine Partners Pup’s Leash Pulling Leads to Training Classes & Now a Big Honor
When we first got Murphy as a puppy in March 2012, it was difficult to walk him, and he was afraid of everything and simultaneously wanted to chase everything else. We finally broke down and attended some formal training classes, where we finally understood how to communicate effectively with each other. In a little under […] | February 24, 2016
Canine Partners Shadow Earns Rally Title at 6 Months & Top Title by 2 Years
Shadow Earns Rally Title at 6 Months & Top Title by 2 Years Sandy River Casts a Shadow BN RAE, owned by Jan Treharne of Brush Prairie, WA, has been a fast learner since she adopted him at age 8 weeks. The Lab/Border Collie mix entered his first AKC Rally competition at age 6 months […] | February 23, 2016
Canine Partners Labeled as Untrainable, Harlie Proves Previous Owner Wrong & Brings Home the Ribbons
Sype's Harlie RN TD TDU THD CGCA CGCU, known as just Harlie, has so many dog sports titles now that they are longer than his name. But as a puppy, Harlie was abandoned by his owner in a vacant rental property with little food or water because she said the pup was “untrainable.” Harlie’s loving […] | February 22, 2016
Expert Advice: News Meet the Woman Who May Have Inspired “Best in Show” Movie
In 2000, director and actor Christopher Guest released a movie that would later become a comedy classic about the quirkiness of the dog fancy. "Best in Show," filmed in the format of a “mockumentary,” featured five breeder/handler teams as they campaigned their dogs to compete in “The Mayflower Dog Show,” a riff on the annual […] | February 22, 2016
Expert Advice: News Federal Bomb-Sniffing Dogs Trained To Find Homemade Explosives
Terrorist attacks around the world have showed the need for security to focus on the threat of homemade explosives and concealed firearms used in many lone-wolf plots. On the forefront of that process are the sharp-nosed dogs of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF), within the Department of Justice. Take, for example, […] | February 15, 2016
Expert Advice: Common Behavior Issues How To Stop Adult Dogs From Excessive Chewing
Chew on This Anyone who has ever cared for a puppy knows and expects chewing; it goes hand in hand with puppyhood. But chewing can be a challenge for owners with adult dogs, too. Here are some tips on how to stop unwanted chewing: Dog-proof your house by putting away anything that your dog can […] | February 15, 2016
Legislative Alerts Tennessee Update: Dog Breeder Bill with Warrantless Searches Rescheduled for Vote on Tuesday, 2/16
House Bill 2303, which would require regulation, inspection, and potentially high registration fees for dog breeders, has been rescheduled for a vote in the House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee on Tuesday, February 16. Its companion bill, Senate Bill 2175, has been rescheduled for a vote on Monday, February 22, in the Senate Energy, Agriculture, […] | February 12, 2016
Legislative Alerts Iowa Alert: Your Opposition Needed — Harmful Breeder Bills Advancing
Bills are moving in both the Iowa House and Senate that would further regulate those who maintain four or more intact dogs and receive any kind of consideration for breeding or transferring even one dog.  The bills have now passed subcommittee and could be considered by the full committees any time.  It is essential that […] | February 11, 2016
Scottish Terrier Sadie wins Westminster Best in Show
Expert Advice: Events Champion Bloodlines: Meet the Breeders of Westminster Winners
It takes an army to raise a champion show dog: an owner to take her home and love her when it’s not show time, a groomer to clip, trim, brush and smooth with perfect precision, a handler to highlight her best features and exhibit her to the best of her breed standards. But before any […] | February 10, 2016

Showing 2,801-2,810 of 3,371 results