Showing 2,571-2,580 of 3,371 results

Expert Advice: Feature Service Dogs for Heroes: Providing the Perfect Partners for Veterans
  Veterans undoubtedly are heroes who selflessly serve our country, but many people don’t realize what these brave men and women go through when their duty concludes. Many return home suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and struggle to ease back into a “normal" day-to-day routine, even with their friends and family. This can become even […] | May 30, 2017
Legislative Alerts California Action Alert: AB 485 to be Voted on Today
The American Kennel Club (AKC) emphatically supports freedom of choice in selecting a pet. AKC actively promotes efforts to ensure that people are educated, understand the demands of responsible ownership and have access to a pet that is right for them. | May 30, 2017
Expert Advice: Fun Facts Meet the Muscular and Confident Greater Swiss Mountain Dog
  The large and heavy-boned Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, known affectionately by lovers of the breed as the "Swissy," is an enthusiastic and happy dog, with a strong love of people. Here are seven interesting facts about this bold and confident member of the Working Group. 1. The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog was developed in […] | May 26, 2017
Expert Advice: News Match in the Mall Held by Abilene Kennel Club
  A Conformation dog a mall?! Who's ever heard of such a thing? We hadn't until we learned about "Match in the Mall" held by the Abilene Kennel Club in Abilene, Texas. The club held this small "match" to bring the wonder and excitement of the sport of purebred dogs to the public, and […] | May 20, 2017
Young English Springer Spaniel
Expert Advice: Grooming How Long Until My Dog Grows Back Her Thick Winter Coat?
ASK AKC  Dear AKC: We just had our 11-month-old English Springer Spaniel trimmed. My husband and I are of a different opinion because our girl actively walks two miles a day in a reserve, walking into mud puddles and the river bed, but usually comes home clean (thanks to the Orvis 'sling' in our Explorer) and […] | May 16, 2017
Assembly Bill 485 is scheduled for consideration and a vote by the Assembly Appropriations Committee on Wednesday, May 17. Like many other measures that reference 'retail pet sales" or "pet stores", this measure is aimed squarely at restricting the availability of purpose-bred dogs and cats. California residents are strongly urged to contact members of the […] | May 12, 2017
Expert Advice: Common Behavior Issues Dog Chewing and Eating Everything
Dear AKC: I have an 18-month-old Miniature Poodle who not only chews on things but consumes things. So far she has had 2 GI series with barium contrast. She has eaten an acorn, a button, rope dog toy, a three-inch corner of a washcloth and a plastic foot from a gargoyle. This does not include […] | May 10, 2017
Canine Partners Two Junior Handlers Competing with All-Americans on Agility World Team
Being selected for one of the US World Agility Teams is considered the ultimate achievement by many in the agility world. Now junior handlers who are 18 years old and younger have the same exciting opportunity. The European Open Junior (EOJ) Agility Championships will take place in Luxembourg July 13 – 16, and the 2017 […] | May 9, 2017
Coton de Tulear puppy sitting in a field.
Expert Advice: Puppy Health Can Puppies Get Diseases From Wildlife?
While your young dog may enjoy interacting with backyard wildlife, that isn't always the safest idea. Wild animals can carry diseases, and young puppies are especially vulnerable. Here's what you need to know about puppies interacting with wildlife. Spreading Disease First, wildlife can carry diseases that can be transmitted to your puppy, like distemper and […] | May 1, 2017
Expert Advice: Fun Facts 10 Dog Breeds You’ve Probably Never Heard Of
Did you know that there are 190 dog breeds registered by the AKC? While many of them are familiar faces, there are several breeds that most people have never seen before, or even heard of. Some are newly registered, and some are just less common in the United States. Here are some facts about a […] | April 28, 2017

Showing 2,571-2,580 of 3,371 results