Showing 241-250 of 840 results

Pages AKC Title Recognition Winter 2022
The AKC works with non-AKC service and sports organizations to recognize the titles that AKC-registered dogs earn in their programs. This includes the AKC Therapy Dog program and the AKC Search & Rescue program. AKC also recognizes titles of the Barn Hunt Association (BHA); North American Diving Dogs (NADD); the North American Flyball Association (NAFA); […] | March 4, 2022
Expert Advice: Why does my dog... Why Does My Dog Hate Other Dogs?
There's nothing like heading off to the dog park to let your pooch pal around with some new canine buddies. But not all dogs are a fan of making friends with their own kind. Some dogs may be reactive or hide when faced with a new potential canine friend, avoiding other dogs at all costs. […] | February 28, 2022
Expert Advice: Dog Sports Australian Cattle Dog “Millie” Conquers Dock Diving, Flyball, & More
As Kayla Stanley was taking photos at her local dog club in 2018, she realized she wanted her own dogs to get in on the fun. But at the time she only had two older dogs and a Beagle who weren't interested in dog sports. Kayla told her husband they needed another dog just for […] | February 16, 2022
funny german shepherd puppy lying on owners lap and biting a finger
Expert Advice: Common Behavior Issues How Can I Stop My Puppy From Chewing on My Hand?
A common complaint among new puppy owners is that their puppies are constantly biting their hands. Although this behavior can be alarming or overwhelming, it's extremely natural. Puppies understand the world around them by putting things into their mouth. Biting and mouthing are normal puppy behavior and aren't generally a cause for alarm or concern, and it […] | February 10, 2022
Sports & Events Junior Report: Charley Newlen
My name is Charley Newlen, and I am 11 years old. I am from Bakersfield, California, just north of the Los Angeles area. I show an Australian Shepard named Gracie May. Gracie is seven years old, and I have been training Gracie for three years. I got Gracie as a puppy, but she was never […] | January 31, 2022
Expert Advice: Conformation Irish Terrier in NYC Becomes Unexpected Champion Show Dog
The story of “Woodbine, the Pandemic Puppy” starts with Christmas 2019 when James Canavan surprised his wife, Breedette Hayes, with a gift book, “The Curious History of Irish Dogs,” by David Blake Knox. “We live in New York City but are originally from Ireland, so we were keen to learn more about native breeds,” says […] | January 28, 2022
Expert Advice: Dog Breeds The Dog Breeds Beloved by Monks
The ability of dogs to put us humans in touch with our own spirituality, to draw our focus out of ourselves and cause us to reflect upon the wonders of nature, has not gone unrecognized by those who would perhaps understand this best. Dogs have long held a special place at monasteries worldwide, and certain […] | January 21, 2022
Young beautiful couple with dog sitting on the sofa at new home around cardboard boxes
Expert Advice: Home & Living What to Do if Your Building Doesn’t Allow Pets
Like many people, Sheba Lo of Chatsworth, California, acquired a dog during the pandemic. Lo bought the dog to serve two roles — companion and "emotional support animal" for her 13-year-old daughter. The pair immediately fell in love with cuddly, white Riyo. Without hesitation, the college professor let the landlord of her apartment know about […] | January 10, 2022
Expert Advice: Breeding Tips & Best Practices 2022 Resolutions for Dog Breeders
2021 is rapidly drawing to a close. This year, I achieved a few of the things on my 2021 New Year’s resolution list! My first pledge for 2021 was to walk into the year with an open heart, mind and spirit of kindness towards every person and to do it with my dog by my […] | December 15, 2021
Expert Advice: Dog Breeds Yes, Pekingese Can Run.
As told to the AKC by Cindy Lutian. Cindy is an instructor at Canine Star Training Academy, where she teaches CGC and Rally. Currently, she owns five Pekingese who compete in CAT, Fast CAT, Rally, and more. Her dog Buster was the first-ever Pekingese to be invited to the AKC Fast CAT Invitational. *** When I came […] | December 22, 2020

Showing 241-250 of 840 results