Showing 231-240 of 1,685 results

Legislative Alerts Madison (WI) to Consider Mandatory Spay/Neuter, Home Breeder Regulations
Four proposals have been introduced by the Madison City Council that will have a direct impact on dog owners, fanciers, breeders, and sportsmen in the city. Residents and those that participate in dog events in Madison are strongly encouraged to contact the council regarding these proposals, as well as the commissions mentioned below. Click here […] | October 24, 2014
Expert Advice: Breeding Tips & Best Practices Q&A with Sheltie Breeder Renee Wiseman
Today on WOOFipedia, we posted a Q&A with Sheltie breeder Renee Wiseman about her decision to recently sell singer Miley Cyrus one of her puppies. Now, we get more in-depth with Wiseman, exploring her history in the breed and what puppy buyers should look for in a responsible breeder. How long have you been breeding, […] | July 17, 2014
Legislative Alerts Iowa Changes Breeder Bill Number, Advances Bill to Senate Floor
April 25, 2014 Through another procedural move, the bill number for the onerous breeder regulations bill has once again changed. The bill was also amended and passed out of the Senate Ways and Means Committee and is now pending in the Senate. The amendments made to this bill are not in the best interest of […] | April 25, 2014
Today, the United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA/APHIS) released a finalized version of new federal regulations that narrow the definition of a “retail pet store” with the purpose of bringing internet-based pet breeders and sellers under the regulation of the Animal Welfare Act (AWA).  The rule, originally proposed in […] | September 10, 2013
Legislative Alerts West Virginia Breeder Bill Passes Legislature, Heads to Governor
The West Virginia Legislature has passed Senate Bill 437, which will regulate those who own 11 or more intact dogs over one year of age "for the exclusive purpose of actively breeding." The bill now goes to the governor for his signature. Those who keep or breed dogs "for the purpose of herding or guarding […] | April 15, 2013
Legislative Alerts Maine Alert: Pending Legislation Could Impact Dog Breeders/Owners
A number of legislative bills have been filed in Maine that could ultimately impact the state's dog breeders and owners.  While some may prove beneficial to responsible dog breeders and owners, other may prove troublesome.  The American Kennel Club (AKC) urges all concerned residents of Maine to learn about the bills detailed below and to […] | April 5, 2013
Press Releases Bebout Award Presented to Massachusetts Federation of Dog Clubs and Responsible Dog Owners
New York, NY - The Massachusetts Federation of Dog Clubs and Responsible Dog Owners (MassFed) has been presented the Walter Bebout Memorial Award for Leadership in Canine Legislation for 2012 by the American Kennel Club® (AKC®). Named for the late Director of the AKC Government Relations Department, the "Bebout Award" recognizes federations and dog owner/breeder […] | January 29, 2013
Legislative Alerts Oklahoma House Approves Changes to Breeder Law
On Monday, the Oklahoma House overwhelmingly approved Senate Bill 1919 by a vote of 86-1, which would make many positive changes to the state's commercial pet breeder law. Thanks to the phone calls and e-mails sent by responsible Oklahoma pet breeders and dog owners, the House approved all amendments made by the House Agriculture, Wildlife, […] | April 24, 2012
Legislative Alerts Hawaii – Senate to Vote on Onerous Dog Breeder Bill on April 12
House Bill 108 H.D. 1 S.D 2, a very problematic dog breeder bill, is scheduled for a third vote in the Hawaii Senate on April 12. It is important that dog owners immediately contact their state Senators and politely ask them to vote “No” on this burdensome and ineffective legislation. HB108 would establish requirements that […] | April 11, 2012
Legislative Alerts Iowa Update: Breeder Bill Numbers Changed, Bills Advancing
Iowa Senate committees have approved two measures that would make detrimental changes to the laws regulating commercial breeders, defined in current law as anyone who owns at least four intact dogs or cats and receives any consideration for breeding. While the bills are virtually identical to the ones that were scheduled for consideration last week, […] | March 2, 2012

Showing 231-240 of 1,685 results