Showing 2,141-2,150 of 3,367 results

Pages National Odor Recognition Test At an EU/US working group meeting I recently attended, there was much reference to the national odor recognition test that was established by the ATF. The ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms), DOS (Department of State), and FPS (Federal Protective Service) all mentioned the use of the preliminary test for their certification/validation […] | August 15, 2020
Pages Genetics
Future Research Projects Help Us Investigate How Genes Predict Behavior! We are excited to announce that we are ready to start collecting DNA from Patriotic Puppy Program canine participants! This is a big step forward for the program because it will allow us to look for where observable behavioral traits are encoded in the genome. […] | August 14, 2020
Pages Assessment
TSA/ACS Hunt test We ask you to take your puppy through this test at 3, 6, 9, and 12 months and send us the video. Several downloadable resources are shown below and more information is available in the Blog section of this website. Hunt Test Score Sheet (download below) Hunt Test Score Sheet and Reference […] | August 15, 2020
Pages Training Science
[accordion] [accordion_panel title="2020"] May Trying to simplify Impacts of Anthropomorphism April What is a working dog? Theory and practicality (a short review) How training frequency impacts learning March Clickers, Verbal Markers, and Treats January Citizen Science Understanding operant conditioning without physical control [/accordion_panel] [/accordion] [accordion] [accordion_panel title="2019"] December Understanding reinforcement in detection dogs October Resilience […] | August 15, 2020
Pages Resilience and Core Affect Space
I was fortunate enough to meet Dr Jaak Panksepp at the Art and Science of Animal Training Conference in March 2014. His basic view of behavior before considering the primitive emotional states is that all behavior is built upon a very simple thought. Most animals generate behavior on a single axis (valence) that avoids fear/stress/pain […] | August 15, 2020
Pages Understanding Reinforcement In Detection Dogs
I was watching a TSA instructor working with a student and his canine. The dog was searching passengers waiting in a moving queue through those retractable stanchions. The handler had to approach each passenger as a potential target and continue to search in this scenario for up to 20 minutes. The student was a little […] | August 15, 2020
Pages How Training Frequency Impacts Learning
Scott loves to say, “don’t confuse process with progress.” But what does that mean?? Today I read an interesting study that illustrates this point perfectly. Here’s their conclusion: “For dogs learning a given skill, weekly training results in better learning performance than training five times a week, when performance is measured in the number of […] | August 15, 2020
Pages The Problem With Training Plans
For as long as I have been training animals, I have always found people want it to be simple and formulaic. IT ISN’T! Animal training is a dynamic process. With a developing puppy, it is even more dynamic. To build communication and trust, you must adapt to the individual needs of the dogs in front […] | August 15, 2020
Pages Understanding Reinforcement In Detection Dogs
I was watching a TSA instructor working with a student and his canine. The dog was searching passengers waiting in a moving queue through those retractable stanchions. The handler had to approach each passenger as a potential target and continue to search in this scenario for up to 20 minutes. The student was a little […] | August 15, 2020
Pages Trainer Development
[accordion] [accordion_panel title="2020"] May Impacts of Anthropomorphism January Understanding operant conditioning without physical control [/accordion_panel] [/accordion] [accordion] [accordion_panel title="2019"] December Understanding reinforcement in detection dogs November Empty your cup! October Terminology June 2 important concepts to remember The learning curve Who I am and how I want to help May Here to learn or here […] | August 15, 2020

Showing 2,141-2,150 of 3,367 results