Showing 201-210 of 878 results

Expert Advice: Dog Sports 13-Year-Old Border Collie ‘Jive’ Doesn’t Let Hearing Loss Slow Her Agility Career
13-year-old Border Collie Jive might be the oldest competitor at the 2023 Premier Cup and have complete hearing loss, but that's not stopping her success. | July 13, 2023
Pomeranians being trained to dance outdoors.
Expert Advice: Basic Training What Responsible Dog Ownership Means, According to a Trainer
I smelled the stench before I saw her, sort of like a landfill on a 92-degree day. A mottled gray and once-white shaggy blur ran down the hall into my arms, and I was in love, no matter what my nose told me. This cuter-than-a-teddy-bear puppy had darted into my boyfriend’s office when he opened […] | September 3, 2020
Black Russian Terrier standing stacked outdoors with an undocked tail.
Expert Advice: News Study Finds That Dogs Use Their Tails Mainly to Communicate
A recent study suggests dogs' tails don't influence agile movements as we once thought. But don't underestimate its importance for communication between humans, animals, and other dogs. | July 26, 2023
Sports & Events Pod Peeps: Adulting and Agility Focus of “Running My Course”
By Penny Leigh (article originally appeared in AKC Family Dog magazine) As best friends, McKenzie Minto and Jordyn Baker chat often, and lengthy phone calls are frequent. They discuss school, family, life and the passion that bonds them – dog agility. Minto, 21, and Baker, 20, are successful agility handlers and now they are sharing […] | July 25, 2023
Border Collie watching tv on the couch with couple.
Expert Advice: Fun Facts Why Does My Dog Watch TV?
You're at home sitting on your couch watching your favorite TV show when all of a sudden your dog perks up, does the classic head tilt, and barks at the TV. Is it the sound that's capturing their attention? Or is it the action on the screen? It's probably a little of both. How Dogs […] | January 17, 2022
Italian Greyhound shaking hands with a new person.
Expert Advice: Why does my dog... Why Does My Dog Put His Paw On Me?
Your dog gazes at you with love and longing. Suddenly, you feel your arm or leg gently caressed by their paw. You may be wondering, why does my dog put his paw on me? Is it a sign of hand-holding canine style? Or, perhaps they want a treat, a few pats on the head, some […] | August 8, 2022
Pembroke Welsh Corgi laying down on the feet of its owner on the couch.
Expert Advice: Lifestyle Why Does My Dog Sit on My Feet?
After settling into your comfy chair, you're ready for a movie night at home. Before you can say "Pass the popcorn," your dog approaches, sits on your feet, and leans on your legs. This gesture has precedent, too; historically, aristocratic ladies used some small breeds as foot warmers. Plenty of doggie cushions line the floor, […] | August 26, 2022
Biewer Terrier puppy sitting in the grass.
Expert Advice: Lifestyle Why Does My Dog Lick the Air?
Dogs love to experience the world through their sense of taste. Your dog probably licks their food bowl, their fur, their toys, and of course, your hands and face. But have you ever seen your dog lick the air? Is there something stuck in their mouth or are they tasting the air? In fact, dogs lick the air for all kinds of reasons. Alhough […] | October 11, 2022
Expert Advice: Agility Junior Handler Jada Sawhney Takes on the 2023 Agility Premier Cup
At age 16, Jada Sawhney is already an accomplished dog sports competitor, who recently competed with her dogs in the 2023 AKC Agility Premier Cup. | July 12, 2023
The American Kennel Club (AKC®), a not-for-profit organization, the world’s largest purebred dog registry and leading advocate for dogs, is excited to announce the AKC/USA Agility World Team members and the alternates. The team will travel to the Czech Republic to compete in the FCI Agility World Championship taking place October 4-8, 2023. The AKC/USA […] | July 12, 2023

Showing 201-210 of 878 results