Showing 11-20 of 32 results

Pages Competition/Titles Update Spring 2023
We have some big news to report about All-Americans succeeding at earning the top titles and honors in Agility, Coursing Ability, Fast CAT, Rally, Obedience, Scent Work, Tracking, and Trick Dog. Many dogs are also having success in AKC’s Virtual Titling programs! Agility Congratulations to these dogs who have added more MACH titles to their […] | June 8, 2023
Pages Glossary
  Welcome to the AKC . We have put together definitions for dog words that you may not be familiar with. If you have additional questions regarding the glossary, please contact our Special Services Department. A Abdomen The belly or under surface between the chest and the hindquarters. Acetabulum The concave lateral portion of the […] | December 19, 2014
Beagle happy to recieve treat.
Expert Advice: Weight Management How to Help Your Dog Lose Weight
This Is a Paid Advertisement for The Farmer's Dog In the U.S., 56% of dogs are overweight or obese, and that excess weight is tied to an astonishing array of health problems. When it comes to preventing dog obesity, or even the slow creep of excess pounds, simple awareness—knowing what your dog’s weight should be, […] | January 19, 2023
Pages 2018 AKC US Detection Dog Conference
2022 | 2019 | 2018 The second AKC US Detection Dog Conference was a success with a capacity attendance. Internationally known subject matter experts delivered thought provoking presentations that covered the breeding, training and deployment of Explosives Detection Canines as well as discussions on the domestic shortage of these amazing dogs. Thank you to the […] | November 8, 2018
Expert Advice: News Service Dog “Dyson” Gives Paralympic Owner a New Chance at Life
Dyson is one of five 2021 AKC Awards for Canine Excellence recipients, winning the Service Dog category. This category recognizes task-trained service dogs that enrich the lives of physically or mentally disabled owners. Including but not limited to guide dogs for the blind, seizure alert dogs, hearing dogs, and balance dogs. From 1998 until 2012 […] | December 6, 2021
Sports & Events Junior Stories Summer 2020
Thank you to Luke, Lexi, Rachel, Savanna and Rebecca for sharing their experiences. Have your own story? Submit it to [accordion]   [accordion_panel title="Luke Edmonson"] Yesterday Luke and Apple competed in the MN State 4-H Dog Show. Here they are at the end of their day. The got Reserve Champion in Foundation Obedience grades […] | July 30, 2020
Expert Advice: Conformation An Inside Look Into the World of Professional Dog Handling
For many dog lovers, dog shows can be equal parts magic and mystery. Ever wonder how the top dogs get to the top? And just who is that human on the other end of the lead? Quite often, it’s a breeder or an owner who lovingly presents his or her dog to the judges. In […] | January 30, 2017
Pages Competition/Titles Update Summer 2021
We have some big news to report about All-Americans succeeding at earning the top titles and honors in Agility, Coursing Ability, Fast CAT Rally, Obedience, Scent Work, Tracking, and Trick Dog. Many dogs are also having success in AKC’s Virtual Titling programs! AGILITY Master Agility Championships (MACH)  Congratulations to these dogs who have earned more […] | August 30, 2021
Legislative Alerts Illinois Info: Amendments to State’s Animal Welfare Act Regulations Proposed
The Illinois Department of Agriculture (IDOA) recently published proposed amendments to the regulations that carry out the state’s Animal Welfare Act.  These regulations would apply to all state licensed breeders, which in current law is anyone who raises and sells dogs they have bred, and have more than five females “capable of reproduction.” The proposed […] | July 21, 2021
Senior obese longhaired Dachshund at home.
Expert Advice: Senior Dog Health Preventing Obesity in Senior Dogs
Like the humans who care for them, dogs are not exempt from the battle of the bulge; they, too, struggle with weight gain and the health problems that come along with carrying around extra pounds. “Dogs of all ages can be obese, although the greatest prevalence of obesity occurs in dogs between 5 and12 years […] | April 6, 2021

Showing 11-20 of 32 results