Showing 1,811-1,820 of 1,885 results

Legislative Alerts CA SB 250 to be Heard in Business and Professions Committee
Senate Bill 250 has been referred to the Assembly Business and Professions Committee and will be heard next Tuesday, June 30th. It is vital that concerned fanciers, dog owners, breeders, and clubs immediately notify the committee members of their ongoing opposition to the measure. We are still awaiting the amendments that Senator Florez promised as […] | June 23, 2009
Legislative Alerts CA Senate Bill 250 Amended and Sent to Appropriations Committee
The Senate Appropriations Committee hearing on SB 250 has been rescheduled for May 11th. Please click here for sample letters that clubs and individuals can personalize. California Senate Bill 250 passed the Senate Local Government Committee on a vote of 3-1 and will be heard by the Senate Appropriations Committee on May 4th. The bill […] | April 23, 2009
Legislative Alerts CA SB 250 Amended, Set for Hearing – Opposition Needed!
California Senate Bill 250 has been amended and set for a hearing in the Senate Local Government Committee for April 15th. We need all California fanciers, responsible dog owners and breeders, and clubs to write and oppose this legislation. Letters must be received by April 8 to be reflected on the committee analysis. SB 250's […] | April 6, 2009
Legislative Alerts Montana to Hear ‘Animal Hoarding’ Bill on March 19
On Thursday, March 19, the Montana House Judiciary Committee will hear a bill to expand the definition of animal cruelty.  The American Kennel Club urges all responsible dog owners, fanciers, and breeders to contact the Montana Senate and express their opposition to Senate Bill 221, which would expand the definition of animal cruelty to include […] | March 18, 2009
Legislative Alerts California Senate Bill 250 Penalizes Owners of Intact Animals
California State Senator Dean Florez has introduced Senate Bill 250, a measure that purports to reduce shelter populations, but would in reality make it easier to revoke licenses for intact dogs and cats in California. This legislation will not improve the lives of cats and dogs, will negatively impact responsible owners and breeders, and by […] | February 26, 2009
Legislative Alerts URGENT: Oklahoma Measure Would Restrict Movement of Breeders and Allow for Unreasonable Search and
The AKC is extremely concerned about provisions in Oklahoma House Bill 1332, as written, and urges all Oklahoma dog fanciers, owners and breeders to contact their representatives to express their concerns. The AKC promotes responsible dog ownership, responsible breeding practices,  enforcement of cruelty laws, reasonable inspection programs and nuisance regulations.  However, HB 1332 does not […] | February 17, 2009
Legislative Alerts URGENT: January 13th Riverside County, CA to Consider Spay/Neuter and Mandatory Microchip Ordinance
The Riverside County Board of Supervisors will hold a hearing tomorrow morning at 9 am to discuss an ordinance that would require the spaying/neutering of any dog or cat for even a minor violation of the animal control ordinance and would force pet owners to microchip all their animals and register the microchips with the […] | January 12, 2009
Legislative Alerts Congress Overrides Veto; Farm Bill Becomes Law
Yesterday, Congress enacted the federal Farm Bill, including provisions prohibiting animal fighting ventures and limiting the importation of live dogs into the United States if the dogs are younger than six months old and imported for the purpose of resale.  President Bush's earlier veto of the bill was overridden when the House of Representatives voted […] | May 23, 2008
Legislative Alerts Update On The Federal Farm Bill
Both the United States House of Representatives and the Senate have approved the conference report of the federal Farm Bill. An overwhelming majority of the Senate, 81-15, voted in favor of the bill on Thursday, while the House passed the bill, 318-106, on Wednesday. Renewed about once every five years, the comprehensive Farm Bill governs […] | May 16, 2008
Legislative Alerts South Carolina Bill to Negatively Affect Animal Owners
South Carolina Senate Bill 833 is currently under consideration by the full Senate. The bill—which originally attempted to only address the restraint of dogs—has been amended and now unreasonably seeks to seriously limit the confinement of dogs in pens or crates. It is vital that all South Carolina enthusiasts, fanciers, and concerned dog owners contact […] | March 26, 2008

Showing 1,811-1,820 of 1,885 results