Showing 1,811-1,820 of 3,368 results

Expert Advice: Puppy Training How to Establish Boundaries and Routines With Your Puppy
Header photo: SheltieBoy/Flickr Your puppy is growing up, and by now you've established the house rules and routines. If all has gone well, you've been consistent and patient while teaching your dog what is and is not acceptable behavior. He's on a feeding schedule, is on his way to being house-trained, is happy in his crate, […] | August 22, 2016
Expert Advice: Lifestyle Rover, Move Over! Tips on Sharing a Bed With Your Pet
Did you know that an AKC survey revealed that 21% of dog owners stated the reason they let their dogs sleep with them at night is to keep warm?  And in the case of who—or what—occupies most of the bed space, 44% of respondents admitted their dog takes up the most room. If you do […] | September 19, 2016
Expert Advice: Puppy Training Big Dog, Big City: How to Make House Training Work
The first moment I met my 8-week-old Leonberger puppy, Miss Emily von Alpensee, she took one look at me and peed on the floor. I used that opportunity to open a conversation with the breeder about housetraining. "Oh, it's easy," the breeder said. "Leonbergers get it very quickly. As soon as you see the puppy […] | November 28, 2016
Expert Advice: Puppy Information Before You Get a Puppy, Consider the Cost
Any dog lover knows there is no greater relationship than that between dog and owner. We love our dogs! We love playing with them, cuddling with them, and having them to come home to everyday. Owning a dog, however, is no easy responsibility. While owning a dog will be filled with love and happiness, it's […] | December 14, 2016
Expert Advice: General Health You’ve Come a Long Way, Puppy: Pet Technology Grows Up
Ten years ago, the GPS in your car was a dash-mounted brick that might just steer you into a detention pond, but now directional navigation consists of a soothing voice providing real-time traffic updates and restaurant recommendations. The tech in human gadgets has improved dramatically, and GPS gear for man's best friend has followed suit. […] | April 4, 2017
Expert Advice: Breeding Tips & Best Practices Puppy Socialization Starts With the Breeder
Socializing puppies has traditionally been considered the responsibility of the new owner. Breeders instruct their puppy buyers to take the puppies to classes and make sure they are exposed to a variety of people and situations. But research shows that encouraging a stable temperament can start even before puppies are born. Breeders can do a […] | November 16, 2016
Expert Advice: Common Behavior Issues Dog Chewing and Eating Everything
Dear AKC: I have an 18-month-old Miniature Poodle who not only chews on things but consumes things. So far she has had 2 GI series with barium contrast. She has eaten an acorn, a button, rope dog toy, a three-inch corner of a washcloth and a plastic foot from a gargoyle. This does not include […] | May 10, 2017
Expert Advice: Puppy Training Puppy Proofing: Save Your Home From Puppy Destruction
  Your new puppy has been home for two days, and you are already wondering how you are going to keep her from tearing the house down. Shouldn’t she know better? First, remember that this is a baby dog, no different than a human toddler. Don’t expect your puppy to understand that she should not […] | June 19, 2017
Expert Advice: Breeding Tips & Best Practices Puppy Socialization Starts With the Breeder: The 4-to-6-Week Period
  Socializing puppies has traditionally been considered the responsibility of the new owner. We instruct new owners to take the puppy to classes and make sure they are exposed to a variety of people and situations. But recent research shows that encouraging a stable temperament can start even before puppies are born. Breeders can do […] | July 5, 2017
Expert Advice: Breeding & Whelping New AKC Puppy Folders Released For Breeders
As a breeder, you spend time and energy finding the perfect homes for your puppies. Once you find the best match, you want to be sure your puppies’ new families have all the information they need to get their pups off to a great start. Our newly updated AKC Puppy Folders allow you to do […] | May 10, 2021

Showing 1,811-1,820 of 3,368 results