Showing 1,801-1,810 of 1,885 results

Legislative Alerts Canada Updates Regulations Regarding Importing Dogs
UPDATE (October 10):  The new CFIA regulations apply to those that are classified as "commercial animals".  The CFIA has specific guidelines for dogs that are being imported into Canada as pets. Contact the CFIA directly for further information on Canadian regulations regarding the importation of dogs.   The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), which oversees […] | October 9, 2013
Legislative Alerts Wyoming Considering Animal Seizure Bill
The Wyoming Senate is considering a measure that could potentially force owners to relinquish their animals when they are accused of cruelty - even if they are later found not guilty or charges are dismissed. Senate File 137 has already passed committee and is pending action on the Senate floor. Wyoming has a very short […] | January 28, 2013
Legislative Alerts Oklahoma Information – Proposed Rules for Commercial Pet Breeders
Tomorrow, rules regulating Commercial Pet Breeders will be considered by the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry. The development of these rules is necessary due to the passage earlier this year of the broadly-supported HB 2921, also known as the Commercial Pet Breeders Act of 2012. A copy of the rules may be viewed […] | June 18, 2012
Legislative Alerts Missouri To Consider Changes To Seizure Law Tomorrow (4/25)
The Missouri Senate Agriculture, Food Production, and Outdoor Resources will consider a bill tomorrow that would make several positive changes to the state's laws regarding animal seizure laws. Among these changes is a provision stating that no animal may be intentionally euthanized or sterilized until legal proceedings have been concluded. Missouri dog owners and breeders […] | April 24, 2012
Legislative Alerts Oklahoma Info: HB 2921 Seeks To Help Cure Problems With 2010 Breeder Law
Oklahoma House Bill 2921 seeks to create the Commercial Pet Breeders Act of 2012 and make significant changes to the state's oversight of dog breeders. The bill was recently passed unanimously by the House Agriculture Committee, and awaits further direction. The American Kennel Club and our Oklahoma federation, the Oklahoma Animal Interest Alliance, both support […] | February 27, 2012
Legislative Alerts TX Update: HB 1451 Scheduled for Major State Calendar on 4/26
The American Kennel Club wishes to extend profound thanks to Representative David Simpson for his help in removing House Bill 1451 from the Local, Consent and Resolutions Calendar. House Bill 1451 is now on the Major State Calendar for Tuesday, April 26th. This means that legislators will cast individual votes on the bill.  It is VITAL […] | April 21, 2011
Legislative Alerts URGENT: CA SB 250 Revived- Action Needed Now!
California Senate Bill 250, which seeks to mandate the sterilization of a dog on a second animal control offense, has moved from the inactive file back to the Assembly floor and could be voted on any day. Amendments have been adopted, but they only modify the appeals process and do not alter our fundamental opposition […] | August 19, 2010
Legislative Alerts AKC Opposes Possible Missouri Initiative Petition
The American Kennel Club has learned of an initiative petition effort underway in Missouri that, if successful, would allow Missouri citizens the opportunity to create law that will unreasonably restrict the operations of responsible dog breeders. Similar legislation has failed to garner support in the Missouri Legislature. Missouri law requires proponents of this initiative to […] | December 17, 2009
Legislative Alerts CA SB 250 Moves to Full Assembly – Letters and Phone Calls Needed!!!
California Senate Bill 250 passed the Assembly Appropriations Committee yesterday on a partisan vote with Democrats De Leon, Ammiano, Coto, Fuentes, John A. Perez, Skinner, Solorio, Torlakson and Hill supporting the bill and all Republicans and Democrat Charles Calderon voting to oppose. Democrats Davis and Hall and Republican Harkey abstained. The bill will now move […] | August 28, 2009
Legislative Alerts CA SB 250 Heads to Assembly Appropriations Suspense File
Senate Bill 250 has been sent to the Assembly Appropriations Suspense File because staff expects the bill to cost the state more than $150,000 a year to enforce. The committee will schedule a Suspense File hearing prior to the August 28th fiscal deadline. Once the date of that hearing is known, we will post an […] | July 15, 2009

Showing 1,801-1,810 of 1,885 results