Showing 1,771-1,780 of 3,368 results

Expert Advice: Travel & Adventure Best Airlines for Pet Travel
ASK AKC Dear AKC: I am having my new Golden Retriever puppy shipped from Minnesota to Philadelphia at the end of the month. Do you recommend a certain airline to book travel with? Most of the airlines allow pet travel but I want to ensure that my puppy is safe. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. […] | May 18, 2015
Expert Advice: Puppy Training Socializing Shouldn’t Be Scary for Your Puppy
Is every attempt to "socialize" a puppy really good for him? Sometimes puppies are forced to endure unpleasant, emotionally damaging situations when their owners follow advice that was given with good intentions. To ensure that our pup receives every opportunity for optimal mental and physical development, we often need to stop, take a calming breath, […] | May 19, 2015
Expert Advice: Fun Facts Living Large: Raising an Irish Wolfhound Puppy
Are you considering getting an Irish Wolfhound puppy? If so, it’s certainly understandable. These sweet-tempered creatures have beguiled us since ancient times. Originally bred as fearless big-game hunters capable of dispatching a wolf in single combat, Wolfhounds today are the most serene and agreeable of companions for owners of all ages. But, with big dogs […] | December 30, 2015
Why puppies and female dogs hump or mount social
Expert Advice: Puppy Health Why Puppies and Dogs Hump (or Mount)
Owners are often amused or embarrassed when their dog or puppy begins humping or mounting a person, object, or another dog. Humping, or mounting, is typically seen when a dog is over excited, hence why it happens frequently when groups of dogs are playing. It's not an abnormal behavior among dogs; however, it does have the potential […] | December 30, 2015
Expert Advice: Cute & Funny Pomeranian Puppy Harnesses Her Inner Wolf In This ADORABLE Video
It's the call of the wild, the heart of a wolf in the body of a fluffy Pomeranian puppy named Ellie. We promise cuteness overload 30 seconds in.   .video-container { position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; padding-top: 30px; height: 0; overflow: hidden; } .video-container iframe, .video-container object, .video-container embed { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; […] | January 27, 2016
Legislative Alerts Illinois: Ask Committee to Oppose Bill Limiting Pet Choice, Breed Rescue TODAY
The Illinois Senate Agriculture Committee will likely consider a bill next week that would limit pet stores to sourcing dogs and cats only from shelters and rescues that have no affiliation with breeders. House Bill 1711 is virtually identical to a bill considered and defeated earlier this year by the Senate Agriculture Committee.  However, the […] | May 21, 2021
Two French bulldog on boat looking at the sea
Expert Advice: Travel & Adventure International Dog Travel: How to Travel Abroad With Pets
Traveling or moving to another country can require a lot of planning and effort. Depending on your destination, there are vaccinations, visas, and paperwork to contend with. And that’s just for the humans! If you take your dog with you on your travels or relocation, the necessary research and preparation are even greater. It’s not […] | May 21, 2021
Golden Retriever holding a leash up to a woman laying on a couch.
Expert Advice: Home & Living How to Prep Your House for a Pet Sitter
By Anna Burke and Harriet Meyers One weekend last winter, my neighbor managed to schedule a relaxing getaway to soak up the sun in Florida. She made arrangements for a pet sitter to care for her Rhodesian Ridgeback, and left the sitter the code to the keypad on the garage door and several pages of […] | May 21, 2021
body sensitivity
Expert Advice: Fun Facts Dog Cognition: Dogs Are Even Smarter Than You Think
How much do you know about what goes on in your pup's head? Do you believe it's all pretty simple in there? Just thoughts about dinner, the cat next door, and more dinner? Think again. Dogs have been known to learn hundred of words, do arithmetic, and guess what people and other dogs are thinking. […] | August 12, 2019
Expert Advice: Dog Breeds Beauceron vs. Doberman: How to Tell the Difference
You are no doubt familiar with the Doberman Pinscher. After all, they are very popular. Dobermans are distinguished and powerful with a keen intellect, and you might think their size, strength, and markings make them one of a kind. But there is a like-sized, equally powerful, and similarly attractive breed you might mistake for the […] | May 19, 2021

Showing 1,771-1,780 of 3,368 results