Showing 1,741-1,750 of 6,796 results

Expert Advice: Common Behavior Issues My Dogs Get Into Mischief
Ask AKC  Dear AKC: I have two Siberian Huskies. We got our female at 14-weeks-old about a year ago and recently we added a 3-year-old male. We would like to have her in the house more but she absolutely will not settle down even with toys and our undivided attention. Outside, she digs, chews, and […] | May 12, 2015
Expert Advice: Common Behavior Issues How Can I Get My Dog to Behave Quietly at Home?
Ask AKC  Dear AKC: We have a ten-month-old puppy that we got when he was three-months-old from the local shelter. He has a lot of energy and when he runs around the house he knocks things over and jumps on the kids. I keep him out in the garage most of the day now because he […] | May 12, 2015
Expert Advice: Natural & Whole Foods 7 Foods Dogs Should Not Eat
Harmful Snacks Most dogs will sample just about anything that resembles food. Responsible owners prevent their dogs from eating anything that could be harmful. Veterinarians offer this list of seven foodstuffs that dogs should not be allowed to eat. Xylitol-containing products: Xylitol is an artificial sweetener often found in sugar-free candy and gum. It is extremely toxic […] | May 12, 2015
Expert Advice: Common Conditions Addison’s Disease in Dogs—Early Recognition Is Critical
What is it? Addison’s disease is the slowdown or absence of activity of the tiny adrenal glands, which are located on top of the kidneys. The adrenals are responsible for the production of the hormones cortisol and aldosterone. Cortisol is commonly called the “stress hormone,” but it is also essential to many major actions throughout […] | May 12, 2015
Expert Advice: Common Behavior Issues My Dog is Eating Earthworms/Dew Worms
Ask AKC   Dear AKC: I have a 14-month old pug who eats earthworms every chance he gets. He eats the same amount dry dog food as his brother but eats the earthworms as snacks during his outside time. His brother does not eat earthworms. I'm sure hunger isn't the issue. Is he missing something in […] | May 9, 2015
Canine Partners Calling All Flyball Dogs!
The AKC recognizes three titles earned by dogs in competitions sanctioned by the North American Flyball Association (NAFA). Owners of flyball-titled dogs may apply to the AKC and request that their flyball title be added to their AKC permanent record. Flyball is one of the few team sports for dogs, and the sport is for […] | May 8, 2015
Expert Advice: Basic Training The Canine Good Citizen: A Title for Well-Mannered Dogs
Canine Good Citizen®The AKC Canine Good Citizen program is recognized as the gold standard for good canine manners. Dogs who pass the 10-step test will earn the AKC’s official “CGC” title. This e-book is a great place to learn what the CGC is all about. It includes a breakdown of the test items and what […] | May 8, 2015
Canine Partners Two All-American Dogs Named to World Agility Team
Congratulations to two dogs in the AKC Canine Partners program who will represent the AKC and the United States on the AKC European Open Agility Team. The world competition takes place  July 24-26 in Germany. Dynamite Dynamite and Monkey Joe (white dog pictured exiting tunnel) both earned spots on the team during the AKC World […] | May 6, 2015
Expert Advice: Cute & Funny Dogs & Kids in Photos: Photography Nightmares
I've been wrapping up a big project and today I needed to find the photos that went with it. The topic was children and dogs. I went to a new online photo source and looked at 3900 images. Of these, there was not a single one that I would use for my project. There are […] | May 4, 2015
Expert Advice: Lifestyle Winter Care for Canines
General ConcernsWinter's cold air brings many concerns for responsible dog owners. Keep the following precautions in mind: Don't leave your dog outside in the cold for long periods of time. Wind chill makes days colder than actual temperature readings. Be attentive to your dog's body temperature, and limit its time outdoors. Adequate shelter is a […] | May 4, 2015

Showing 1,741-1,750 of 6,796 results