Showing 1,711-1,720 of 1,885 results

Expert Advice: Fun Facts The Pug: A Mini Owner’s Manual
Overview Pugs are: Even-tempered, charming, mischievous, loving, and adaptable; The largest breed in the AKC Toy Group—portable but sturdy; Originally from Asia, though long associated with The Netherlands; A very popular pet the world over; Easy to groom, but—despite its short coat— a dog that sheds. Pugs love: Kids; Adults who are still kids at […] | October 6, 2015
Expert Advice: Breeding Tips & Best Practices Win Shot: The Role of the Dog Show Photographer
Photographs capture one second in time. And time is fleeting. It rushes forward without bias, emotion, or care. Perhaps that’s why photos mean so much to the dog fancy: They preserve the moment when a champion was at his best. Without them, such paragons would be lost to those who study the past before charting […] | August 11, 2015
Expert Advice: Common Behavior Issues Tinkle, Tinkle Little Dog: Tips for Dealing with Submissive Urination
Many puppies and young dogs go through a period of submissive urination – releasing a small amount of urine when they are greeted by their owners or visitors. AKC GoodDog! Helpline Trainer Christie Canfield gives some great tips on dealing with this behavior. Submissive urination is a normal canine communications behavior.  Dogs squat and urinate […] | August 19, 2015
Expert Advice: Common Behavior Issues See Spot Sit: Dog Training and Behavior Modification
Here is how I handle resource guarding. Make a list of the items (or people) your dog guards. "The Motivator" Figure out what motivates your dog to comply. This can be a ball, a toy or a really yummy treat. (Boiled chicken can get a dog to give up most anything.) Ask yourself some hard questions […] | March 18, 2014
Expert Advice: Common Behavior Issues Do You Own a Pushy Dog? Teach Him That “Nothing in Life is Free”
Is your dog pushy? If he wants something, will he stop at nothing to get it? Then you may want to try the Nothing in Life Is Free (NILIF) protocol with your dog. This is a very simple protocol that essentially means your dog needs to work for things of value in his life. Through […] | August 6, 2015
Expert Advice: Common Behavior Issues My Dogs Get Into Mischief
Ask AKC  Dear AKC: I have two Siberian Huskies. We got our female at 14-weeks-old about a year ago and recently we added a 3-year-old male. We would like to have her in the house more but she absolutely will not settle down even with toys and our undivided attention. Outside, she digs, chews, and […] | May 12, 2015
Expert Advice: Common Behavior Issues Preventing Resource Guarding In Dogs
Resource guarding is a challenging behavior to combat for new and experienced owners. Guarding possessions or food can occur between dogs in a household and/or between dogs and humans.  Early training is the best method to preventing resource guarding. It is important for puppies to learn at an early age that people touching their food […] | June 22, 2015
Expert Advice: Basic Training Treats: The Rewards of Dog Training
Training with Treats Just about any dog can learn such basic commands as sit, come, and heel. Some can add a few others to their repertoire. Still others may be able to master surprisingly complex tricks. No matter what level of skill you’re aiming for, training your dog simply requires an investment of time, patience and, […] | May 8, 2015
Expert Advice: Basic Training The Practical Benefits of a Down-Stay
The sounds of "Stars and Stripes Forever" were blaring from a CD player in the backyard and children splashed in the pool. Matthew and Susan were hosting their annual Fourth of July cookout. As guests arrived in festive red, white and blue attire, they would ring the doorbell and immediately hear a few quick barks […] | May 22, 2015
Expert Advice: Basic Training Training Happens All the Time: Explanation of Passive Training
There is a difference between Active and Passive dog training and all interactions with your dog matter. Many dog owners train their dogs daily, are active in taking group classes, and some even compete at high levels.  This is called active training. But you might not be aware that your dog is learning all the time. […] | June 10, 2015

Showing 1,711-1,720 of 1,885 results