Showing 1,691-1,700 of 1,885 results

Expert Advice: News The Top 10 Most-Googled Dog Questions of 2016
In our modern digital age, we often turn to the Internet for things we don't know the answer to. And this of course, includes all our dog-related questions! As any dog owner knows, sometimes your dog is doing something, like watching TV, and you want to know why it is that he does that. So […] | December 16, 2016
Expert Advice: Recipes Recipe: Easy-To-Make Pumpkin Treat Recipe For Dogs
Just in case you don't want to leave your dog out of your holiday celebrations or you're still looking for the perfect treat, here's an easy treat recipe that your dog will love. Directions: Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.   Then gather all of your ingredients:   1 cup flour -- You can […] | November 24, 2015
Expert Advice: News This Stray Dog is Too Fat to Walk, and the Reason Why Will Shock You
We all know the cliché of the starving stray, wandering around the streets raiding the trash and begging for scraps. A Brazilian homeless dog named Bolinha (one English translation means "ball") has turned that image on its ear by becoming so fat that he could barely waddle. It all started about 13 years ago when […] | August 18, 2015
Expert Advice: Cute & Funny Five Breeds Most Likely to be Mistaken for Bigfoot
All anyone has ever seen is a glimpse of these creatures, and there have been many different accounts, but there are two constants in all Bigfoot sightings. They are "as big as a man, and covered with hair from head to foot," one newspaper reported in 1884. Hmmmm. That could easily describe any number of […] | June 19, 2015
Expert Advice: News ​​TSA Adds More Canines to Security Checkpoints at Airports
If you’re planning to travel by air this year, except to see more four-legged officials working the security lines at the airport. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is more than doubling the number of canines they’ll have working at U.S. airports, the Washington Post reports, adding that currently, the agency has more than 140 Golden […] | January 25, 2016
Expert Advice: News Service Dog Saves Blind Owner During House Fire
Service dogs are invaluable not only for helping disabled owners live independently, but also intervening during an emergency. This week marks the second time Yolanda, a service dog, saved her vision-impaired owner’s life. When a fire broke out in the owner’s Philadelphia home, Yolanda used a specialized device to call 9-1-1 and pulled her owner […] | August 11, 2015
Expert Advice: News Brave Dachshund Saves Two Children From Bear Attack
Two young boys have a little wiener dog to thank for saving them from the clutches of a vicious black bear. Nikita Nikonov, 12, and Stas Nagornov, 8, of Russia were walking home from the store when a black bear approached them, the Siberian Times reported. They tried running, but the bear got ahold of […] | November 12, 2015
Expert Advice: News This Behavior Problem Set Labrador Retriever Owners Back $38K
A couple was so frustrated with their Labrador Retriever eating things he shouldn’t that they shelled out almost $38,000 on a new dog-proof kitchen. The dog, named Rollo, had learned how to open cabinets and the refrigerator, the Daily Mail reported, and had even used a trampoline to get apples off of the apple tree […] | October 5, 2015
Expert Advice: Studies Dogs Can Process Faces, Science Says
Your dog looks at you but does he really see you? Scientists think so. A new study performed by researchers at Emory University’s Department of Psychology suggests that dogs recognize faces as humans and primates do. "Dogs are obviously highly social animals," Gregory Berns, senior author and neuroscientist, says, "so it makes sense that they […] | August 7, 2015
Expert Advice: Fun With Your Dog 7 Fun Things To Do With Your Dog In Los Angeles
Photo: Y Nakanishi/Flickr With its warm climate, urban metropolis, and close proximity to outdoor adventures, Los Angeles is definitely a dog-friendly city. Here are seven fun things to do with your dog in L.A., whether you live there permanently, or you're just visiting with your best friend.   1. Take A Hike There are hundreds of […] | April 20, 2016

Showing 1,691-1,700 of 1,885 results