Showing 161-170 of 948 results

Close-up of a Beagle eye.
Expert Advice: Why does my dog... Why Does My Dog Stare At Me?
Dogs spend lots of time staring at us owners, but why do dogs stare so much? Communication, expectation, and understanding are some reasons why dogs stare. | November 19, 2019
Expert Advice: Health How to Calculate Dog Years to Human Years
Since the 1950s, the popular calculation of how old a dog was “in human years” has been that one dog year is the equivalent of seven human years. Even though this formula has been around for a surprisingly long time, the reality is not so cut-and-dried. That doesn’t stop people from defaulting to this traditional […] | November 20, 2019
Expert Advice: Why is my dog... Why Is My Dog Fascinated by Birds, Squirrels, and Other Critters?
Is your dog fascinated by birds and other critters? Their predatory heritage is to blame. Learn how to channel obsessive critter-watching behavior. | December 23, 2019
Beagle sitting waiting for a treat being held above his head.
Expert Advice: Training New Year’s Resolutions to Improve Your Dog Training Routine
Start the new year by deepening your relationship with your dog. Try these three New Year's training resolutions and reap the rewards. | January 1, 2020
Labrador Retriever puppy laying down at home outside its kennel.
Expert Advice: Puppy Training How to Potty Train a Dog When You Live in an Apartment
When you live in an apartment or high-rise, the logistics of getting a puppy outside when they have to go potty gets more difficult. | February 18, 2020
Labrador retriever sitting next to its tracked in dirt in the bedroom.
Expert Advice: Cleaning 5 Dog-Safe Cleaning Solutions You Can Mix At Home
There are plenty of commercial cleaning products that are safe for use around dogs. However, you may still want to create your own dog-safe cleaning solutions at home. These DIY dog-safe cleaning products are powerful enough to deodorize, remove stains, and make your home shine. It's important to note that, while these products are effective […] | March 23, 2020
Expert Advice: Training How to Train a Labrador Retriever Puppy: Milestone Timeline
Friendly, active, and outgoing, Labrador Retrievers regularly rank among the most popular dog breeds. There's a lot to love, and for first-time Lab owners, there's a lot to get to know — especially over the course of the initial months of your puppy's first year of life. So what are the key milestones and firsts […] | September 16, 2020
Senior Welsh Springer Spaniel laying down on a white blanket.
Expert Advice: Common Conditions Addison’s Disease in Dogs: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention
Hypoadrenocorticism, more commonly known as Addison’s disease, is a disease has serious consequences for dogs. Fortunately, with proper treatment, dogs diagnosed with Addison's disease are expected to have normal lifespans. Addison’s disease occurs when the adrenal glands fail to produce the hormones that they are in charge of in the body. The most important hormones […] | September 21, 2020
kids sitting in car with dog
Expert Advice: Travel & Adventure Dog Car Safety: Training Your Dog to Ride in the Car
Dog car safety keeps drivers, passengers, pets, and other people safe. Here's how to train your dog proper car manners for when you're on the road. | November 29, 2020
Labrador retriever laying down at home with a Christmas poinsettia in the background.
Expert Advice: Comfort & Sleep Dog-Friendly Decorating Tips for a Safe and Festive Holiday
Many common holiday decorations pose dangers to dogs. Celebrate with dog-friendly decorations that are both elegantly festive and safe. | December 2, 2020

Showing 161-170 of 948 results