Showing 1,631-1,640 of 1,885 results

Expert Advice: Fun Facts Is Your Dog Right- or Left-Pawed?
Think about which hand you write with or how you hold your fork. Are you a righty or a lefty? Now think about your dog. It may surprise you to learn that, just like humans favor using their right or left hand, many dogs show a preference for using one paw over the other. Because […] | December 13, 2017
Expert Advice: Comfort & Sleep 4 Tips For a Safe and Stress-Free Holiday
Including your dog in festive holiday celebrations is all part of the fun of the season; however, your dog might not be feeling the same holiday spirit as you. At the end of the year, things don't look, sound, or even smell like they usually do, and that can cause canine confusion and anxiety. Problem […] | December 7, 2017
Expert Advice: Fun Facts Dogs Are More Expressive When We Are Looking
Does it seem like your dog is always trying to talk to you? Not just with his barks and whines, but with his facial expressions, too? Maybe he tilts his head when he wants you to throw his tennis ball. And no doubt, he gives you puppy-dog eyes when he wants a taste of your […] | January 2, 2017
Expert Advice: Fun Facts Navigating the Urban Jungle With Your Pup: Tips and Tricks
Dogs that live in the big city face different challenges from those that live in the country or suburbs. Heavy traffic, large crowds, and using public transit all require special skills and an unflappable attitude. Not to mention, every walk can hold new surprises, like an encounter with a bike messenger or a passing throng […] | March 22, 2018
Expert Advice: News Reno or Bust
At first glance, Razzberry the Bichon Frise and Henry the Spinone Italiano don’t appear to have much in common: Razzberry is a toaster-sized ball of snowy white hair with an unnatural hostility to leather footwear. Laidback Henry, by contrast, looks like the famous big dog Benji and swoons at the sight of beef jerky or pigeons. But what these […] | March 6, 2018
Expert Advice: Comfort & Sleep 6 Tips for Puppy-Proofing Your Home to Keep Fido From Running Amok
Puppy-proofing should be one of the first things on any new dog parent's checklist. After all, puppies are curious creatures. They'll sniff, chew, and swallow things that interest them. Unfortunately, some of those things in your house might be harmful or poisonous to them. Therefore, make sure your home is puppy-proofed before the little one […] | December 18, 2017
Expert Advice: Natural & Whole Foods Can Dogs Eat Chocolate?
The rumors you've heard about chocolate are true. Chocolate might be your favorite treat, but it has deadly consequences for dogs of all sizes and breeds. Chocolate is highly toxic to dogs and can be potentially fatal. Unfortunately, dogs have a way of sniffing out chocolate treats, which means we need to be alert for […] | August 23, 2016
Expert Advice: Fun Facts Can Dogs Taste?
If you’re used to seeing dog food advertisements, you likely think that a dog’s sense of taste is very highly refined. However, this is quite far from the truth. A dog’s sense of taste is much less discriminating than that of humans. In fact, while humans have roughly 9,000 taste buds, dogs have only around […] | March 17, 2017
Golden Retriever Puppy
Expert Advice: Preparing for Puppy Are You Ready for a Dog?
What do you think about when you picture your life with a dog? Games of fetch in the backyard, long walks in the country, lazy afternoons snuggled together on the couch? Maybe you want a friend for your children, a guardian for your home, or an athlete to train for and compete in AKC events. […] | February 1, 2018
Expert Advice: Lifestyle What Do Different Types of Dog Sounds Mean?
Dogs are surprisingly good at communicating with people, considering they can't speak. They use body language and vocalization to express their wants, needs, and fears, but sometimes it is hard to figure out what dog sounds actually mean. Some dogs have a wider range of vocalizations than others. Rottweilers "purr," Siberian Huskies"talk," Shiba Inu "scream," and Basenjis "yodel" instead of barking. For […] | February 21, 2018

Showing 1,631-1,640 of 1,885 results