Showing 1,611-1,620 of 1,885 results

Expert Advice: Advanced Training Give Me Some Space! Teach Your Dog to Back Off
Give Me Some Space! Train your Dog to Back Off This training tip is brought to you by Aryn Hervel of Novato, CA. Aryn owns and runs Leaps & Hounds Dog Training, a behavior consulting and pet dog training business. Aryn and her All-American Dog, MACH4 Crush, are one of the top AKC Agility teams […] | September 18, 2015
Expert Advice: Common Behavior Issues Four-Pawed Jaws: When Your Dog Chomps Treats And Fingers Too
From the AKC GoodDog! Helpline Team Some dogs regularly chomp on fingers while taking their treats. Some only do it when they are excited or all revved up. Either way, taking things gently in the mouth is a learned skill for some dogs, especially when they are excited! If your dog is a regular “Jaws,” […] | September 17, 2015
Expert Advice: Basic Training Give It Time! When it Comes to Dog Training, Patience is Important
By AKC GoodDog! Helpline Trainer Hilarie Erb When trying to change a dog’s behavior, owners often give up after the first unsuccessful attempt. “I tried that yesterday, and it didn’t work!” is something that the AKC GoodDog Helpline trainers hear often. But sometimes we hear that after a couple of weeks of calm persistence and […] | September 9, 2015
Greyhound Running on grass
Expert Advice: Lifestyle The Greyhound: The Perfect Canine Running Machine
The American Kennel Club recognizes 184 dog breeds, and each was originally created for a reason whether it was to help put food on the table, guard herds, control vermin, or provide companionship. Most of these breeds are uniquely suited to do their job, and what follows is one such dog: Behold the perfect canine […] | September 1, 2015
Expert Advice: Common Behavior Issues Does Your Dog Think He’s A Garbage Can? Dealing with Dogs Who Eat Everything
Does Your Dog Think He’s a Garbage Can? Dealing with Dogs Who Eat Everything   By AKC GoodDog Helpline Trainer Hilarie Erb Some dogs are bound and determined to consume things that are not meant to be consumed. I have had two dogs experience life-threatening intestinal blockages: one due to a toy that I gave […] | September 1, 2015
Expert Advice: Lifestyle Is Your Dog Prepared For a Natural Disaster?
It's not always possible to prepare for a natural disaster, but there are a few steps you can take ahead of time to prepare yourself and your canine companions. Here are a few tips from AKC Reunite for keeping safe in any emergency situation: Plan ahead. Even before warning of a natural disaster, make sure to pack a […] | August 28, 2015
Expert Advice: News Finn the Wonder Dog Travels the Globe to Protect Other Species
Finn the Wonder Dog , a yellow Labrador Retriever rescue, has earned his nickname by traveling the world helping restore ecosystems and save species from extinction. In one project, it was the vulnerable Humboldt penguin who benefited from Finn’s incredible nose and hardworking attitude. On Chile’s Choros island, invasive rabbits were destroying seabird populations by […] | August 28, 2015
Expert Advice: News Katrina Memories For This Seattle Journalist
On the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina wreaking havoc in the southeastern United States, Seattle Times journalist Ranny Green reflects on his time in Louisiana on assignment with Noah's Wish, an organization that helps animals affected by natural disasters. -- It’s been decade since my life took a dramatic change and the Gulf Coast endured […] | August 28, 2015
Canine Partners Tenacious Terrier Mix Proved Great Partner for Junior
Thirteen-year-old Halli was only 2 years old when the cute terrier mix joined her family, but the partnership that was meant to be almost did not happen, Halli’s mother Cathie Tyler recalls. Shelter staff felt that the scruffy little dog was too much dog for a mother with a young child and did not even […] | August 27, 2015
Expert Advice: News Healing the bodies and broken hearts of the pets displaced by Katrina: A volunteer’s story
On the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina wreaking havoc in the southeastern United States, Seattle Times journalist Ranny Green reflects on his time in Louisiana on assignment with Noah's Wish, an organization that helps animals affected by natural disasters. Read Ranny's diary of his trip below, which originally ran in The Seattle Times in 2005. -- […] | August 27, 2015

Showing 1,611-1,620 of 1,885 results