Showing 1,611-1,620 of 6,801 results

English Pointer pointing quail.
Expert Advice: Common Behavior Issues Why Does My Dog Raise a Paw and Point?
Dogs bred and trained for hunting are driven by instinct to point. Non-hunting breeds may also lift a paw and point for a variety of reasons. Pointing helps dogs to work in tandem as a team with their handlers. You're out for a walk with your dog or perhaps just playing in the yard. Suddenly, […] | October 25, 2019
Expert Advice: Common Behavior Issues Why Does My Dog Eat Toilet Paper?
Dogs put all kinds of weird things in their mouths: discarded pizza on the sidewalk, grass during a long walk, or most disgustingly, their poop. But the oddest choice may be more common than you think. Dogs ingest toilet paper for a variety of reasons. Unfortunately, eating toilet paper can result in serious health complications and large medical […] | August 21, 2020
Yorkshire Terrier laying down on the bed.
Expert Advice: Home & Living Why Does My Dog Bark at Nothing?
Every dog owner has experienced it. You sit down to relax for the evening, when out of the blue, your dog starts to bark. You don't see or hear anything, so is your dog barking at nothing? Are there spirits in the room or does your dog just want to hear their own voice? Although […] | April 29, 2021
Alaskan Malamute head portrait outdoors.
Expert Advice: General Health Why Do Dogs Pant?
If you’ve ever seen your dog panting in the summer, you know it’s because she’s trying to cool down. Or, if you have a breed such as a Pug or Bulldog, you’ve most likely seen your dog pant frequently. This heavy breathing is normal, due to their short snouts. However, there may be other, more […] | May 23, 2021
Expert Advice: Common Behavior Issues Why Do Dogs Drink From the Toilet?
Does your dog ever do things that gross you out? Drinking out of the toilet is a common canine behavior that tends to turn people's stomachs. But while it may seem strange to us, dogs usually think it's a perfectly acceptable habit. Why Do Dogs Drink From the Toilet? If given the opportunity, most dogs […] | August 27, 2021
Corgi dog smile and happy in summer sunny day
Expert Advice: Lifestyle How Do I Know If My Dog is Happy?
My sensitive little rescue dog, Annie, isn't a fan of bustling, noisy cities—and neither am I, to be honest. We're fortunate enough, however, to enjoy a tranquil mountain lifestyle. It's in this environment that I would describe Annie as being truly happy, and it's one reason I chose to base myself here. How do I […] | November 30, 2021
Vizsla laying on its back in bed.
Expert Advice: Puppy Training Why Does My Puppy Go Wild at Night?
Just when you think your puppy should be settling down for the night, boom, your puppy jumps up and starts running around the house like there's a squirrel to chase. But there's no obvious reason for the behavior. There's nothing ahead of them to chase and nothing behind chasing them. What's gotten into your pup? […] | January 1, 2022
Frenchie puppy playing with sock by the door
Expert Advice: Why does my dog... Why Does My Dog Steal My Dirty Laundry?
You've made the mistake of dropping your sweaty workout clothes on the floor. The next thing you know, your puppy has made off with them. When you finally track down the stolen items, you find your pup gleefully rolling around and rubbing their body on them — or, worse, licking and chewing them. Apart from […] | March 2, 2022
Russell Terrier hiding under the bed.
Expert Advice: Common Behavior Issues Dog Thunderstorm Anxiety: How to Help
When you're a dog lover, it can be tough to watch your normally calm pup get stressed out during a thunderstorm. While some dogs show mild signs of stress, like licking their paws, other dogs can get so worked up during storms they may get destructive. To better understand why some dogs hate thunderstorms, we […] | June 1, 2022
French Bulldog sleeping on its back in its dog bed.
Expert Advice: Health Why Does My Dog Sleep On Their Back?
When dogs sleep on their back with their paws in the air, is it healthy for them or not? They choose this odd position for comfort and safety. | August 18, 2022

Showing 1,611-1,620 of 6,801 results