Showing 1,531-1,540 of 1,685 results

Legislative Alerts URGENT: Palm Beach to Vote on Spay/Neuter and Hobby Breeder Ordinance Tuesday – Attendees Needed!
Palm Beach County Adopts Mandatory Spay/Neuter and Hobby Breeder Restrictions [February 6, 2008] Yesterday afternoon the Palm Beach County Commission voted 5-1 to restrict the rights of responsible dog owners and breeders. Commissioner Kanjian was the only member who voted to support the responsible dog owners and breeders of Palm Beach County. AKC thanks all […] | February 1, 2008
Legislative Alerts Mandatory Spay/Neuter Reintroduced in New Jersey
Senator Van Drew has introduced Senate Bill 971, a bill which threatens the rights of responsible dog owners in New Jersey. This bill is a reintroduction of 2006's AB 3542. Fanciers, concerned dog owners, and responsible breeders should immediately contact their representatives in the New Jersey State Legislature, and the members of the Senate Economic […] | January 29, 2008
Legislative Alerts Arizona Alert: Mandatory Spay/Neuter Bill Introduced
House Bill 2516, which seeks to prohibit persons from owning or keeping a dog or cat that is more than six months old if the animal has not been spayed or neutered, unless the person has acquired an intact permit for the animal, has been introduced. If adopted, this unreasonable and unenforceable bill will have […] | January 22, 2008
Legislative Alerts Update: VA MSN Bill Assigned to Committee
Virginia House Bill 1570, which seeks to mandate the spaying or neutering of companion animals, has been assigned to the House Committee on Agriculture, Chesapeake, and Natural Resources. Though the bill is currently not scheduled for consideration, it remains imperative that breeders and concerned dog owners in Virginia contact their Delegate and ask them to […] | January 23, 2008
Legislative Alerts VA Update: MSN Bill Tabled in Committee!
Today, Subcommittee #1 of the Virginia House Agriculture, Chesapeake, and Natural Resources Committee considered and tabled HB 1570, which would have mandated the spaying or neutering of certain companion animals. This effectively kills this legislation for the 2008 legislative session. The American Kennel Club and its Virginia federation, the Virginia Federation of Dog Clubs and […] | January 29, 2008
Legislative Alerts Reintroduced New Jersey Bill Bad News For Breeders
Assemblyman Neil Cohen and Assemblywoman Joan Voss have introduced Assembly Bill 1591, a bill which threatens the rights of responsible breeders in New Jersey.  This bill is a reintroduction of 2006’s AB 3401.  Fanciers, concerned dog owners, and responsible breeders should immediately contact their representatives in the New Jersey State Legislature, and the members of […] | January 18, 2008
Legislative Alerts San Antonio Ordinance is on the Move! Voice Your Opposition Now!
The American Kennel Club (AKC) and our Texas federation of owners, the Responsible Pet Owners Alliance (RPOA), remain deeply concerned with the proposed changes to San Antonio's animal ordinance. The proposed ordinance is unreasonable, unenforceable, and unfairly penalizes responsible dog breeders and owners. For example, if adopted, the new law will impose many burdensome restrictions, […] | October 11, 2007
Legislative Alerts San Antonio Ordinance Revision Vote Scheduled
The San Antonio City Council will decide on proposed major revisions to its animal ordinance at the Thursday, December 13th, “A Session” meeting.  Public comment will be accepted at this hearing prior to the council’s vote.  It is imperative that all concerned San Antonio-area breeders and owners strongly voice their opposition to this proposal. The […] | December 6, 2007
Legislative Alerts Miami-Dade County Proposes Drastic Changes for Animal Owners
The Miami-Dade County Commission will be holding a public hearing at 9:30am on Tuesday, December 18th to discuss a variety of changes to the animal control ordinance including limiting the number of pets a resident may own, implementing hobby breeder licensing, requiring mandatory microchipping for dog breeders and restricting rescue organizations. Concerned dog owners and […] | December 12, 2007
Legislative Alerts US Senate Passes 2007 Farm Bill
Late Friday the US Senate passed their version of the 2007 Farm Bill. Below is a summary of provisions affecting dogs. Senator Richard J. Durbin (D-IL) has announced that his amendment to the Senate Farm Bill to protect the health of puppies imported into the United States has been accepted. The measure will require that […] | December 17, 2007

Showing 1,531-1,540 of 1,685 results