Showing 1,491-1,500 of 1,885 results

can dogs be allergic to cats
Expert Advice: Health Can Dogs Be Allergic to Cats?
If you're a dog owner, you're probably aware that canine companions, like humans, can be allergic to different types of food or things in the environment, such as grass or pollen. But what about being allergic to other animals, like cats? Can dogs be allergic to cats? The answer is yes. Veterinarian Dr. Robert Trimble, […] | July 27, 2018
Expert Advice: Basic Training Does Your Dog Get Mad at You?
A Tip from the AKC GoodDog! Helpline Humans are busy. We work; we go to school; we have families to take care of, errands to run, social lives to maintain, and hobbies to enjoy. Sometimes your dog takes a backseat to the rest of your life. Is that why he's suddenly chewing up the furniture […] | June 25, 2015
french bulldog eating from owner's hand
Expert Advice: Basic Training Hand Feed Your Dog Its Dinner – There are Many Benefits
Contrary to what you may believe or have heard, hand feeding your dog can actually be a good thing. Here's a few reasons why you should consider hand feeding a few meals to your dog each week. 1. Relationship and trust building. Hand feeding your dog teaches him that when you reach toward him good […] | October 29, 2015
Expert Advice: Basic Training Housetraining a Rescue Dog
For dog owners who ask about housetraining a new puppy, crate training is frequently suggested as an important part of housetraining. The idea is that dogs won't want to soil the crate that they view as a den; they'll want to keep their sleeping area clean. But what do you do when you get a […] | January 21, 2014
Products & Services CGC: Have Fun With Your Dog – Teach a Simple Trick
Teaching tricks is a great way for dog owners to have fun with their dogs. Tricks are best taught using positive reinforcement and the behavioral procedure called “shaping” where successive approximations to a desired behavior are reinforced. Here is a trick that lends itself to being taught at home because it will most likely involve […] | October 26, 2017
Pages Month 2 Lesson Plan
Responsible Dog Ownership Time: 45-55 minutes Resources Needed: Sticky Notes Responsible Dog Owner's Tip Sheet 2 Cones (or similar item) 2 (or more) Plush Dogs (preferably different breeds) Required Materials: Food Dish, Dog Food, Leash, Bed, Brush, Collar, ID Tag Random Items for Relay (i.e. textbook, board eraser, etc.) Responsible Dog Ownership Bookmarks Bailey Goes […] | July 13, 2018
brood bitch
Expert Advice: Dog Breeding Get Your Brood Bitch in Top Shape to Give Birth
To raise strong, healthy puppies, you need a strong, healthy brood bitch. As a breeder, you choose your potential brood bitch carefully, probably earning conformation and/or performance titles with her and making sure she has all the health and genetic testing recommended for the breed. Extensive research goes into choosing a worthy sire that has […] | July 11, 2018
blind dog
Expert Advice: Health Living With a Blind Dog: Ways to Keep Your Canine Companion Safe
Humans rely on their eyes more than any other sense. Dogs, however, are different. In cases of gradual blindness in canines, many owners don't even realize their dogs are losing their vision. This is because dogs use their sense of smell and hearing to navigate their world just as much, if not more, than sight. […] | July 6, 2018
Expert Advice: Basic Training Distraction Training
Getting Your Dog to Ignore the Chaos and Obey Your Commands If your dog is unaccustomed to compliance in unpredictable, high-pressure situations, his training could fail him when it matters most-in speeding traffic, for instance. Distractions should be very slight at the beginning of training and gradually increase in degree of challenge. As with training […] | April 24, 2015
Legislative Alerts Victory for Ohio Dogs and Breeders
On Friday, Ohio Governor John Kasich signed a law that will have a significant positive impact on dogs, dog owners, breeders, and sportsmen throughout Ohio. House Bill 506, which contains numerous amendments requested by the AKC, is a compromise bill developed with a broad range of stakeholders concerned about animal welfare in the state.  The […] | July 2, 2018

Showing 1,491-1,500 of 1,885 results