Showing 141-150 of 471 results

saint Bernard dog is pooping in field
Expert Advice: Health IBD and IBS in Dogs: Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment
Know the signs of IBD and IBS and how to diagnose and treat them. IBS is less common in dogs than IBD, but can have many different causes. | July 7, 2023
Expert Advice: Health Why Do Dogs Lick Their Butts?
Dogs lick their butts for many reasons. These can include boredom or medical issues. Obsessive attention to their rears calls for a vet visit. | August 29, 2023
Pages AKC DNA + Health Kit – Included Tests
All AKC DNA + Health Kits include the original 201 markers for genetic identity and parentage verification purposes, as well as over 328 genetic variants for health and traits. Download a pdf of all included tests Health Tests Acral Mutilation Syndrome (AMS, SN) This genetic variant is associated with an inherited neurological disease characterized by […] | July 26, 2023
Beagle wrapped up in a blanket.
Expert Advice: Health Why Is My Dog Throwing Up White Foam?
Learn more about why your dog might be throwing up white foam, what it looks like, and when it is a cause for concern and merits a trip to the vet. | February 6, 2024
Bulldog rolling in the grass.
Expert Advice: Health Yeast Dermatitis (Malassezia) in Dogs: Signs, Symptoms, Treatments
Yeast dermatitis is another type of dermatitis that can affect dogs, also called Malassezia. Learn the signs, symptoms, and how to treat. | March 7, 2024
Rottweiler laying down on a cobblestone path.
Expert Advice: Common Conditions Blood in Dog Poop: What to Know
Have you noticed blood in your dog's poop? Knowing what you're looking at can help you communicate more clearly with your veterinarian. | March 6, 2022
German Shepherd Dog getting a check-up at the vet.
Expert Advice: Health Vestibular Disease in Dogs: Signs, Symptoms, Treatment
Vestibular disease in dogs leads to impaired balance, a head tilt, and ataxia among other signs. Learn to recognize vestibular disease and how to treat it. | February 27, 2024
Expert Advice: Health Pica in Dogs: What to Know
Pica is a condition where your dog eats non-food items like stones or dirt. Learn about the many causes and treatments for this dangerous behavior. | February 29, 2024
Bulldog puppy getting a check-up at the vet.
Expert Advice: Health Hyperthyroidism in Dogs: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments
Although hyperthyroidism in dogs is a relatively rare disease, it can have serious consequences for a dog's health and life expectancy. | February 29, 2024
Basenji standing in a meadow.
Expert Advice: Fun Facts Basenji Facts You May Not Know
For thousands of years, Basenjis served as hunting dogs and have since won the hearts of many. Here are some interesting facts about this ancient breed. | August 8, 2016

Showing 141-150 of 471 results