Showing 1,441-1,450 of 1,885 results

Expert Advice: Breeding Tips & Best Practices Puppy Socialization Starts With the Breeder: The 4-to-6-Week Period
  Socializing puppies has traditionally been considered the responsibility of the new owner. We instruct new owners to take the puppy to classes and make sure they are exposed to a variety of people and situations. But recent research shows that encouraging a stable temperament can start even before puppies are born. Breeders can do […] | July 5, 2017
Expert Advice: Fun Facts 8 Reasons Why Life Is Just Better With a Dog!
  Any dog lover will say that life just seems better with a dog. Dogs keep us company, entertain us, comfort us, protect us, and seem to make life fuller and more complete. Who else is as happy to see you when you come home or is willing to binge-watch TV with you on a […] | June 28, 2017
Expert Advice: Natural & Whole Foods Can Dogs Eat Rib Bones?
When your dog is gazing up at you with endearing eyes, it’s tempting to share the scraps you have on your plate, especially when it comes to leftover barbecue. We’ve all heard the phrase “give a dog a bone,” but the literal action might not be as harmless as we think. Most people consider dogs […] | June 27, 2017
Beagle with its belly up
Expert Advice: Comfort & Sleep How to Pet-Proof Your Home So It Doesn’t Look Like It’s Gone to the Dogs
A pet makes a wonderful addition to any household. Cats and dogs mean furry snuggles and tons of comic relief; they can also teach us all a few things about unconditional love. Unfortunately, they also bring with them some less desirable traits: sloppy table manners, a propensity to break things, and truckloads of animal hair. […] | June 26, 2017
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel resting its head on the kitchen table begging.
Expert Advice: Recipes Homemade Vet-Approved Dog Treat Recipes
There are thousands of dog treat products on the market, so why would you consider making your own? For starters, when you make your own dog treats, you have control over what ingredients are included. Want another reason to make these vet-approved dog treats? The recipes are quick, easy, and fun! Apple Pretzels Recipe for […] | June 26, 2017
what to do if dog eats chicken bone hero
Expert Advice: General Health What to Do if Your Dog Eats a Chicken Bone
Despite our best efforts, accidents happen, and our dogs are likely to eat something they shouldn’t at some point in their lives. Usually, our dogs will steal a yummy piece of people food off the counter or off of the plate of an unsuspecting guest, even if we’re doing the best we can to prevent […] | June 22, 2017
Woman holding and kissing a West Highland White Terrier.
Expert Advice: Basic Training 6 Ways We May Be Misunderstanding Our Dogs
We all love our dogs. In fact, some of us probably love all dogs. The bond between human and canine can be so close that it might seem we can read each other’s thoughts and feelings. While this is true to some extent, the fact is that dogs are not people; they don’t behave, react, […] | June 16, 2017
Expert Advice: Senior Dog Health Recognizing Behavioral Changes in Senior Dogs
  Just like the humans who care for them, dogs are susceptible to numerous age-related issues, which can result in a decline in function. Things like memory, awareness, sight, and hearing can deteriorate as a result of aging. But unlike their owners, dogs can’t easily express what’s going on inside their bodies; they need an […] | June 12, 2017
Expert Advice: Senior Dog Health Monitoring Your Senior Dog’s Health — When Aging Is More Than Aging
  Just like people, as dogs get older their bodies, brains, and behavior change. Some of these changes are easy to spot, like sleeping more, but others, like hearing loss, might easily be overlooked. Owners sometimes write off these changes as normal signs of old age, but there is a difference between normal aging and […] | June 12, 2017
Expert Advice: Breeding Tips & Best Practices AKC Breeder Spotlight: Jennifer Young-Hopkins of Y-Farms Kennels
  AKC Breeder Spotlight: Jennifer Young-Hopkins of Y-Farms Kennels Each month, the American Kennel Club (AKC) profiles breeders to hear about how they got started, their breeding program, and their experience with AKC Marketplace. We recently spoke with AKC Breeder of Merit Jennifer Young-Hopkins of Y-Farms Kennels in Zachary, La. Here, she answers questions about […] | June 9, 2017

Showing 1,441-1,450 of 1,885 results