Showing 1,441-1,450 of 1,685 results

Legislative Alerts Florida: Oppose Bill Seeking to Put Negative Attributes on Purebred Dogs
Florida Senate Bill 122, sponsored by Senator Larcenia Bullard, will be considered by the Florida Senate Agriculture Committee on Wednesday, April 7th, at 9:00 AM.  The bill seeks to require pet dealers to provide purchasers with written notices that impugn the genetic health of purebred dogs and increases fines to unreasonable amounts.  The American Kennel […] | April 5, 2010
Legislative Alerts AKC Opposes Possible Missouri Initiative Petition
The American Kennel Club has learned of an initiative petition effort underway in Missouri that, if successful, would allow Missouri citizens the opportunity to create law that will unreasonably restrict the operations of responsible dog breeders. Similar legislation has failed to garner support in the Missouri Legislature. Missouri law requires proponents of this initiative to […] | December 17, 2009
Legislative Alerts Massachusetts Debarking Bill Now In Senate
Last week, House Bill 344, which seeks to ban the surgical devocalization of dogs, passed the Massachusetts House of Representatives. The bill is now under the consideration of the Senate Committee on Rules and Ethics. The American Kennel Club is concerned that, if enacted, this legislation will lead to the unnecessary euthanization of many animals.  […] | March 10, 2010
Legislative Alerts Breeder Bills Under Consideration in Oklahoma
Two bills currently under consideration by the Oklahoma legislature seek to regulate some responsible dog breeders.  Representative Lee Denney of Cushing, who sponsored House Bill 1332 in 2009, is currently sponsoring House Bill 2745.  Known as the "Oklahoma Pet Quality Assurance and Protection Act," the bill seeks to create a voluntary program of compliance for […] | March 9, 2010
Legislative Alerts Update: New Orleans MSN Proposal Withdrawn!
Late yesterday evening, the mandatory spay/neuter proposal that was to be considered today by the New Orleans City Council was withdrawn by the ordinance’s sponsor, Councilwoman Cynthia Hedge-Morrell. The American Kennel Club (AKC) appreciates the Councilwoman’s and her staff’s effort to reach out to responsible dog breeders and owners who voiced strong opposition to the […] | November 5, 2009
Legislative Alerts CA Assembly Bill 241 Vetoed by Governor
California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has vetoed Assembly Bill 241 which would have prohibited any person or entity from having 50 or more intact dogs or cats. He returned the bill with the following veto message:   To the Members of the California State Assembly: I am returning Assembly Bill 241 without my signature. This measure […] | October 12, 2009
Legislative Alerts CA SB 250 Moves to Full Assembly – Letters and Phone Calls Needed!!!
California Senate Bill 250 passed the Assembly Appropriations Committee yesterday on a partisan vote with Democrats De Leon, Ammiano, Coto, Fuentes, John A. Perez, Skinner, Solorio, Torlakson and Hill supporting the bill and all Republicans and Democrat Charles Calderon voting to oppose. Democrats Davis and Hall and Republican Harkey abstained. The bill will now move […] | August 28, 2009
Legislative Alerts CA Senate Bill 250 Fails Initial Vote – Thank Your Legislators!
California Senate Bill 250 failed on the Assembly Floor 28-42. Forty-one votes were needed for passage, meaning Senator Florez needs 13 additional votes to pass SB 250. The bill was noticed for Reconsideration today which requires 41 votes to pass. Then the bill could be taken up for another vote prior to the close of […] | September 9, 2009
Legislative Alerts CA Senate Bill 250 Will not Move This Year
Senator Dean Florez, the author of Senate Bill 250, has issued a press release stating that the bill will be put on hold until the legislature reconvenes in January 2010. AKC thanks the clubs, and responsible owners and breeders who took the time to educate their legislators about this issue. We encourage you all to […] | September 10, 2009
Legislative Alerts Victory for Louisville KC in Suit Against City
Late Friday, United States District Court Judge Charles R. Simpson, III, of the Western District of Kentucky issued his decision in the case of the Louisville Kennel Club, Inc. v. Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government.  A significant victory for the Louisville Kennel Club, the judge’s decision features two key rulings that may also prove to be […] | October 6, 2009

Showing 1,441-1,450 of 1,685 results