Showing 1,431-1,440 of 1,685 results

Legislative Alerts NC Update: SB 460 Hearing Likely Next Week; Calls Still Needed
The AKC Government Relations Department has learned that the House Finance Committee will likely consider Senate Bill 460 on Wednesday, June 30, 2010.  This bill was originally scheduled to be heard on June 24, but the hearing was postponed after the committee received an enormous volume of calls and e-mails from concerned dog owners and […] | June 25, 2010
Legislative Alerts NC Victory: SB 460 Dead After Two-Year Run in Legislature
The American Kennel Club is pleased to announce that SB 460 is finally dead. The measure was pulled from consideration by the House Finance Committee late last week when it became clear that supporters did not have the votes to pass the measure in the House. The AKC received further confirmation this past weekend that […] | July 6, 2010
Legislative Alerts Ohio Update: Senate Goes on Summer Recess; SB 95 Still Pending
The American Kennel Club Government Relations Department has learned that the Ohio General Assembly (which comprises both the House of Representatives and State Senate) has gone on summer recess. At this time, legislative leadership has not announced with the Assembly will reconvene to consider bills. Currently, Senate Bill 95 is ready for action by the […] | June 8, 2010
Legislative Alerts Your Legislators Need to Know You Oppose Breeder Bill SB 460
The North Carolina General Assembly has been in session for nearly a month. Already, animal rights groups are lobbying our legislators to take up SB 460. Tomorrow (June 2, 2010), the Humane Society of the United States will have a lobby day, in which they will work hard to convince our legislators to pass this […] | June 1, 2010
Legislative Alerts New York Alert: Extensive Breeder Regulations to be Considered Tuesday, May 18
New York Assembly Bill 5507, known as "Charlemagne’s Law", will be considered by the New York Assembly Agriculture Committee tomorrow, Tuesday, May 18.  Among its many provisions, the bill seeks to amend the state’s existing definition of "pet dealer", creates a new definition of "commercial kennels", and seeks to impact those designated as such with […] | May 17, 2010
Legislative Alerts Oklahoma Call to Action: Contact Governor Henry Now!
The AKC Government Relations Department expects Oklahoma Senate Bill 1712 to be sent to Governor Brad Henry soon for his signature or veto.  It is imperative that all responsible dog breeders and owners in Oklahoma contact Governor Henry immediately and respectfully ask him to veto this bill. Bill Summary: Known as the "Commercial Pet Breeders […] | April 29, 2010
Legislative Alerts New Orleans Alert: City Council to Consider Mandatory Spay/Neuter Ordinance on Thursday, May 6
The AKC Government Relations Department has confirmed that the New Orleans City Council will consider a mandatory spay/neuter ordinance this Thursday, May 6, 2010.  The proposal, in a purported effort to address three well-publicized dog bite incidents in New Orleans, seeks to require all dogs be sterilized by six months of age or require their […] | May 4, 2010
Legislative Alerts Oklahoma Breeders Bills to be Considered on Wednesday, March 24
Oklahoma Senate Bill 1340 and Senate Bill 1712, which seek to provide state oversight over certain dog breeders, will be considered by the House Economic Development and Financial Services Committee on Wednesday, March 24.  We strongly urge all concerned responsible dog breeders and owners in Oklahoma to consider the provisions of the bills (described below), […] | March 22, 2010
Legislative Alerts Memphis to Hold Public Meeting March 16th on Breed-Specific Mandatory Spay/Neuter Proposal
Memphis City Councilman Shea Flinn will hold a public meeting on March 16th at 4pm on the proposed breed-specific mandatory spay/neuter ordinance. It is vital that responsible owners and breeders attend this meeting and voice their opposition to this ineffective and burdensome ordinance. Memphis Public Meeting March 16th at 4pm City Council Chambers 125 N. […] | March 10, 2010
Legislative Alerts Minnesota Breeder Bill Voted Down
Yesterday, after amending the bill to have it conform to its House companion, the Minnesota Senate Agricultural and Veterans Committee voted down Senate File 7.  The bill sought to regulate the activities of dog owners/breeders who possess six or more adult intact female dogs. This action effectively prohibits further consideration of SF 7 by the […] | March 10, 2010

Showing 1,431-1,440 of 1,685 results