Showing 1,411-1,420 of 1,575 results

Expert Advice: News Irish Wolfhound Secures Incredible Guinness World Record
An Irish Wolfhound in Westerlo, Belgium is now officially the proud holder of a Guinness World Record. The dog, named Keon, holds the record for the "longest tail on a dog." How long is his tail? 30.2 inches (or 2 feet and 6.2 inches). Not only is this an amazingly long tail, but it's also […] | January 19, 2017
Expert Advice: Events AKC National Championship Presented by Royal Canin Results After Saturday Dec. 17
It's been an exciting weekend so far at the AKC National Championship. The competition is only heating up as the big prize, Best in Show, will be decided Sunday Dec. 18. Check out the results from Saturday's group winners, who will compete tonight for the coveted title. Best of Breed Group Winners from Saturday Dec. […] | December 18, 2016
Expert Advice: Cute & Funny 9 Funny Dog Jokes That Will Have You Rolling
Is it us, or are jokes about dogs a lot funnier than others? We’ve compiled a list of some of the funniest dog jokes we could find, guaranteed to make you chuckle. Enjoy! Why do dogs always race to the door when the doorbell rings? It’s hardly ever for them.   Q: What kind of […] | August 22, 2016
Expert Advice: News Prison Break? Calling Most Famous Canine Detective Nick Carter
Bloodhounds were brought out to aid in the hunt for the two convicted killers who broke out of Dannemora state prison. For at least a century and a half, the breed has played a major role in law enforcement. Name a high-profile fugitive, and there’s likely to have been a Bloodhound on his trail. Perhaps […] | June 11, 2015
Expert Advice: News This Stray Dog is Too Fat to Walk, and the Reason Why Will Shock You
We all know the cliché of the starving stray, wandering around the streets raiding the trash and begging for scraps. A Brazilian homeless dog named Bolinha (one English translation means "ball") has turned that image on its ear by becoming so fat that he could barely waddle. It all started about 13 years ago when […] | August 18, 2015
Expert Advice: Events The Winners of the 2014 AKC Publications Photo Contest
The winners of this year’s photo contest created unforgettable images by placing their models in vivid landscapes. A red barn, for example, provides a perfect backdrop to show the range of Newfoundland colors. Seagrass complements the straight, coarse coat of a tiny brown dog. A German Shorthaired Pointer stands on a rock, staring out at […] | July 11, 2016
Expert Advice: News Dogs Teach Empathy, Prevent Bullying to At-Risk Youth in NYC Schools
For many at-risk youth in New York City, violence and crime is an inescapable fact of life. But Audrey Hendler is hoping to change that, with the help of about 25 four-legged teaching assistants. In 2010, Hendler launched A Fair Shake for Youth, a program that brings therapy dogs into middle schools in under-served communities […] | March 16, 2015
Expert Advice: News Canadian Police Ask for Help Naming New Puppy Recruits
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) are seeking the help of the public to name up to 13 puppies expected to be born this spring. The puppies, all German Shepherd Dogs, are bred at the Police Dog Service Training Centre in Alberta, Canada. “RCMP police service dog teams are an integral part of front line […] | February 25, 2016
Expert Advice: News Meet the Group Winners Competing in Best in Show at the 2016 AKC National Championship
It's the moment we've all been waiting for: Now that all of the Best of Breed Group Winners have officially been named, we're one step closer to crowning this year's AKC National Championship Best in Show winner. In case you missed our livestream on, here's a recap of all of the commendable canines who […] | December 18, 2016
Expert Advice: Grooming These Flowing, Glamorous Coats Give Us Breed Envy
Seeming to float around the dog show ring, with a silky, lustrous coat waving, some long-coated breeds may inspire envy in their human admirers: As a silver Afghan Hound glided past, a spectator turned to her companion and said, “I’d kill to have hair like that!” But even dogs who’ve never stepped foot in a […] | August 18, 2015

Showing 1,411-1,420 of 1,575 results