Showing 1,391-1,400 of 1,685 results

Legislative Alerts Action Needed In Florida: Bills On The Move
Several significant developments have occurred regarding two Florida bills that both the American Kennel Club and the Florida Association of Kennel Clubs strongly oppose. As previously reported on, Florida Senate Bill 2002 seeks to impose strict limits on the operations of responsible purebred dog breeders and to limit dog ownership. The Florida Senate Community […] | April 17, 2009
Legislative Alerts NC Update: Breeder Hearing Postponed
Due to scheduling conflicts, the North Carolina House Agriculture Committee did not bring up discussion of House Bill 733 as originally planned on April 22, 2009. The Committee has not yet rescheduled the hearing of the bill. House Bill 733 seeks to limit dog ownership and impose strict restrictions on responsible North Carolina breeders.  It […] | April 23, 2009
Legislative Alerts New NC Bill Targets Breeders
North Carolina House Bill 733, filed on Thursday, March 19th, seeks to strictly regulate dog breeding in the Tarheel State by imposing ownership and breeding limits. This measure is sponsored by Representatives McElraft, Dickson, Sager, and Allen. Bills similar to HB 733 have been introduced across the country since the start of 2009 - including […] | March 20, 2009
Legislative Alerts New York Legislation Would Classify More Residents as ‘Pet Dealers’
New York Assembly Bill 5507, sponsored by Assemblyman Greg Ball, seeks to classify more residents as "pet dealers"; seeks to impose ambiguous rules on all animal facilities, including homes of responsible breeders and shelters; and to define and regulate certain entities as commercial kennels.  The American Kennel Club is urging all concerned responsible dog breeders […] | March 6, 2009
Legislative Alerts URGENT – Vote and Preserve Your Rights to Own and Breed Purebred Dogs
The AKC Canine Legislation Department reminds all fanciers and concerned dog owners to go to the polls tomorrow to make your voices heard. This year’s election is expected to be close at the federal level, but it is important to remember the impact of voting for your state and local leaders too, as these officials […] | November 6, 2006
Legislative Alerts AKC Board of Directors Convenes to Address Pet Animal Welfare Statute of 2005
-- Click here for more information about PAWS --   -- Board Reaffirms Support of Proposed Legislation --   Chicago, IL - At a meeting of the American Kennel Club (AKC®) Board of Directors today, the Board reaffirmed their position to support the principles in the Pet Animal Welfare Statute (PAWS) of 2005, a bill […] | June 12, 2005
Legislative Alerts Rhode Island Update: Mandatory Spay/Neuter Bill Tabled, May Return
Yesterday, the Rhode Island House Health, Education, and Welfare Committee held House Bill 8205 for further study. This means that the bill was not approved by the committee, but that it may further consider the bill at a later date during the remainder of the 2014 legislative session. The AKC commends the many Rhode Island […] | May 22, 2014
Legislative Alerts Iowa Changes Breeder Bill Number, Advances Bill to Senate Floor
April 25, 2014 Through another procedural move, the bill number for the onerous breeder regulations bill has once again changed. The bill was also amended and passed out of the Senate Ways and Means Committee and is now pending in the Senate. The amendments made to this bill are not in the best interest of […] | April 25, 2014
Legislative Alerts New York City to Consider Mandatory Sterilization, Other Restrictions on Pet Sales on April 30
New York City to Consider Mandatory Sterilization, Other Restrictions on Pet Sales on April 30 April 25, 2014 The New York City Council Committee on Health is scheduled to consider several measures on Wednesday, April 30, that create excessive restrictions on all breeders or pet shops who sell a pet. Among the many new requirements […] | April 25, 2014
Legislative Alerts TEXAS ALERT: Waco May Consider Mandatory Spay/Neuter
The American Kennel Club (AKC) has learned that the City of Waco, Texas, may soon consider a mandatory spay/neuter ordinance. The idea is currently under development by the Waco Animal Welfare Advisory Board, and would have to appear before the City Council before it becomes law. The American Kennel Club strongly supports and actively promotes […] | July 9, 2013

Showing 1,391-1,400 of 1,685 results