Showing 1,221-1,230 of 6,760 results

Expert Advice: Training Ask Our Trainers: How Can I Stop My Dog From Chewing Things Around the House?
Cynthia S. writes, "My adult Great Dane has been exhibiting a few behavior problems. She's chewing things around the house that are not edible, but only does it when we are gone. She's great at playing outside unleashed until it's time to come in, then she takes off running and I have to chase her […] | July 10, 2018
blind dog
Expert Advice: Health Living With a Blind Dog: Ways to Keep Your Canine Companion Safe
Humans rely on their eyes more than any other sense. Dogs, however, are different. In cases of gradual blindness in canines, many owners don't even realize their dogs are losing their vision. This is because dogs use their sense of smell and hearing to navigate their world just as much, if not more, than sight. […] | July 6, 2018
Expert Advice: Fitness & Exercise Is Swimming Therapeutic for Senior Dogs?
Swimming is often recommended as a low-impact exercise for older individuals who are looking to stay active. But is it also therapeutic for senior dogs? | July 5, 2018
puppy peeing
Expert Advice: Training How Can I Stop My Puppy From Peeing on the Rug?
Kay R. writes, "I have tile throughout the first floor of my house and a few throw rugs. My puppy always wants to pee on those rugs. I have taken them all up, but want to put them back. Any suggestions?" It is very normal for puppies to do this; they naturally prefer to eliminate […] | July 3, 2018
Basenji puppy hiding under furniture.
Expert Advice: Common Behavior Issues Common Fears and Phobias in Dogs and How to Help Treat Them
We take a look at the most common fears and phobias in dogs and how you as a pet owner can help relieve your canine companion's stress. | July 3, 2018
Legislative Alerts Victory for Ohio Dogs and Breeders
On Friday, Ohio Governor John Kasich signed a law that will have a significant positive impact on dogs, dog owners, breeders, and sportsmen throughout Ohio. House Bill 506, which contains numerous amendments requested by the AKC, is a compromise bill developed with a broad range of stakeholders concerned about animal welfare in the state.  The […] | July 2, 2018
ptsd awareness
Expert Advice: News How Dogs Are Helping Returning Military Soldiers Combat PTSD
Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, does not discriminate. Factors outside one’s control can lead to this anxiety disorder, which affects millions of people — including some of the brave men and women who serve in our military armed forces. During their years of service, military personnel are at a greater risk of exposure to highly traumatic […] | June 27, 2018
Expert Advice: Dog Breeding Understanding the Role of E. Coli Biofilm in Canine Pyometra
Pyometra, or uterine infection, remains a serious health threat for intact bitches. E. coli is the most common cause of canine pyometra, and many strains of this bacteria are known to produce a biofilm. Biofilm is a surface layer of microbes and the slimy extracellular polymeric substances they produce (polysaccharides, proteins, etc.). Biofilms protect bacteria […] | June 22, 2018
Expert Advice: Health Prostate Disorders: How to Handle Them in Your Male Dogs Without Neutering
Let’s talk about prostate disease in male dogs. There are four types of prostate problems: Benign prostatic hypertrophy or hyperplasia, aka BPH: This is the most common prostate problem we see in unneutered or intact male dogs. It is frequently seen after the age of 5, and sometimes younger in Bernese Mountain Dogs and Greater Swiss […] | June 22, 2018
Pages Canine Partners Spotlight Summer 2018
Canine Partners Spotlight: Abandoned Pup Grows Up to Perform Heroic Act Zoee started life as an unwanted puppy, left by a Minnesota road with her littermates. Good Samaritans rescued the pups, and Zoee went to a foster home with the hopes of eventually becoming a service dog. Even though that career was not for Zoee, […] | June 21, 2018

Showing 1,221-1,230 of 6,760 results