Showing 1,211-1,220 of 1,891 results

Expert Advice: Fun Facts Getting a New Puppy? First, You Wait!
AKC Gazette breed column, Miniature Pinschers—It can take a little bit of patience before you can bring home that much-anticipated new puppy—but if you’ve chosen a good breeder, it’s worth the wait. Well, it’s done. You did the research by reading books and checking the American Kennel Club and the website of your chosen breed's […] | January 3, 2015
Expert Advice: Basic Training Training Your Dog to Stay
The definition of a stay requires that the dog remain in the designated place and position, with no resistance such as moving, whining, or barking, until you either release him or give another command. This is a fairly easy exercise to train, as it requires that the dog do nothing except remain doing nothing and […] | May 11, 2015
Expert Advice: Responsible Breeding When Your Dog Dies and People Say “It Was Just a Dog”
When we lose one of our beloved companions, sometimes a person will say, “Hey, it’s just a dog.” Those of us who have had dogs in our lives look at that person as if they’ve lost their mind. How can you say this is just a dog? He was a part of my life, and […] | May 15, 2015
Expert Advice: Breeding Tips & Best Practices Join the National Club and Show Support for Your Breed
It continues to amaze me that there are people out there who breed and show but do not belong to their breed’s national club. When I ask why they don’t belong, the answers most commonly heard are “I don’t need the club” or “What will the club do for me?” The fact is people have […] | June 18, 2015
unusual event at welsh springer national brings laughs helps a good cause
Expert Advice: Events Unusual Event at Welsh Springer National Brings Laughs, Helps a Good Cause
  This year’s national specialty for the Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of America (WSSCA) was held in late April during the Cherry Blossom Cluster in Maryland. We enjoyed four days of competition and camaraderie, and it only rained once! (In 2011 we held our national specialty in Pennsylvania during “The Great Harrisburg Flood.”) Welsh Springer […] | July 28, 2015
Expert Advice: Fun Facts The Secret History of Anatolian Shepherd Dogs In America
It is common knowledge that Anatolian Shepherd Dogs came to America to stay in the 1950s, imported by ranchers and working-dog aficionados. And it’s even better known that the Anatolian Shepherd Dog joined the AKC Working Group in 1999. What is little known, however, is the fact that two Turkish flock-guarding dogs—thought to be Anatolians—were […] | November 6, 2015
Golden Retriever puppies
Expert Advice: Common Conditions Roundworms in Dogs: Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention
What are roundworms? Roundworms are extremely common parasites in dogs. Almost all dogs have roundworms at some point in their lives—most often in puppyhood. There are two main species of roundworms affecting dogs: Toxocara canis and Toxascaris leonine. Toxocara canis causes more serious disease and can be transmitted to humans. The canine roundworm Toxocara canis […] | November 26, 2015
Expert Advice: Common Conditions Seizures in Dogs
There is probably nothing more alarming than seeing your dog have a seizure. Legs flailing in the air, lips tightened in a sardonic grin, and the neck arched like it might break — it illustrates the horror the dog is going through. But that classic convulsion is only one of many variations of seizures in […] | August 9, 2016
Afghan Hound puppy playing with a ball in the backyard.
Expert Advice: Training for Dog Sports Beyond Puppy Basics: Try Puppy-Safe Sport Foundation Games
Your puppy is home and you have dreams of training and competing in sports, so where do you start? There are lots of important skills your puppy will be learning—like potty training, crate training, loose-leash walking, and basic obedience commands like sit, down, and recalls. But if you're bored with that, or looking to do […] | March 15, 2021
Beautiful boxer puppy 2 months old awake sitting in the grass.
Expert Advice: Dog Breeds Boxer Puppy Training Timeline: How to Train a Boxer
With their chiseled features, muscular bodies, and square jaws, Boxers are the movie stars of the dog world. These handsome pups are known for their loyalty, quick wit, and protective nature, but these charming characteristics also mean Boxer pups have a few special considerations when it comes to training and socialization. We spoke with several […] | April 5, 2021

Showing 1,211-1,220 of 1,891 results