Showing 111-120 of 500 results

Portuguese Podengo looking over a fence.
Expert Advice: Home & Living What Type of Dog Fence Should I Have?
In the words of Robert Frost, "Good fences make good neighbors." But when it comes to dogs, fences make safe outdoor spaces to run, play, sniff, and... | January 26, 2024
Expert Advice: Dog Sports Even After Losing Her Vision, Lexie Lainer Continues to Thrive in Dog Sports
Imagine stepping into the ring but not being able to see the dog at the end of your leash. This is what dog shows are like for Lexie Lanier. | January 25, 2024
Expert Advice: Dog Breeds Dachshund History: The Badger Dog’s Fascinating Past
Don’t let the goofy wiener-dog costume fool you: Sandwiched between those fabric hot-dog buns is a clever hunter whose size belies its ferocity. At first glance, you can see why the Dachshund has earned the rather ignoble moniker of “wiener” or “sausage dog”: Long and low to the ground, this oddly proportioned hound might look […] | December 3, 2020
A vintage photograph of a yellow Labrador Retriever winning first place at a conformation dog show.
Expert Advice: Dog Sports History of Conformation: The Evolution of Dog Shows
How did modern dogs shows get to where they are today? Learn about the histroy of Conformation shows, that began over 150 years ago. | January 19, 2024
Expert Advice: Health Colitis in Dogs: Signs, Symptoms, Treatment
Colitis in dogs is an inflammation of the colon, which is the large bowel or large intestine. If you think your dog has colitis, here's what to know. | January 16, 2024
Vizsla standing in a field at sunrise.
Expert Advice: Dog Breeds 7 ​Things You Didn’t Know About The Vizsla
Vizslas have a long history as the most prized possession of aristocrats in Hungary. Here are seven things you may not know about these regal canines. | June 28, 2016
Belgian Malinois laying down in a field of dandelions.
Expert Advice: Why does my dog... Why Does My Dog Try to Eat Bees?
Wondering why your dog eats bees? Bee stings in dogs can lead to life-threatening allergic reactions so it is good to be prepared. | March 25, 2021
Expert Advice: Health When to Seek a Second Opinion from a Veterinary Specialist
At what point do you consider asking your veterinarian for a second opinion, a specialist, or if there are other channels you can pursue? | October 11, 2021
Pages FSS Breeds In Companion Events
As of July 13, 2009, the AKC Board of Directors approved the eligibility of Foundation Stock breeds that meet the below criteria may compete in AKC Companion Events; this will be effective January 1, 2010. Dogs with three-generation pedigrees recorded in FSS® Breed Standard has been submitted As of February 9, 2007, the AKC Board […] | November 17, 2017
Expert Advice: Events AKC National Championship Winners Through the Years
These champion show dogs took the top prize in conformation at the AKC National Championship presented by Royal Canin. | December 12, 2022

Showing 111-120 of 500 results