Showing 11,981-11,990 of 12,007 results

Expert Advice: Recipes Recipe: How To Make Apple Pretzels For Dogs
These three-ingredient pretzels are an easy-to-make, baked treat that your dog will love.   Ingredients 3 cups almond flour 1 egg 1 cup plain, unsweetened applesauce   Directions Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside. Beat egg and set aside. Mix applesauce and almond flour in […] | May 25, 2016
Expert Advice: General Nutrition Recipe: How To Make Red, White, And Blue Yogurt Popsicles For Dogs
Cool your pup off with a special, frozen treat. These easy to make fruity, pup popsicles are a healthy option for a hot summer day.   Ingredients 1 cup whole blueberries Blueberries are high in fiber, antioxidants, and phytochemicals 1/2 cup chopped strawberries Strawberries are high in sugar. Use small amounts if your dog is diabetic […] | May 6, 2016
Expert Advice: Natural & Whole Foods Common Dangerous Foods For Your Dog
Dedicated dog lovers tend to be very kind people. We share our hearts and homes (and for some lucky pooches, even the foot of our beds) with our canine pals. Surely there is nothing wrong with sharing our favorite foods with them too, right? Not necessarily. Many of the foods, such as fruits and vegetables, that […] | March 24, 2016
Expert Advice: Responsible Breeding Canine Health Testing
Health testing is an important part of responsible dog breeding. We visited the Bethel Village Square Animal Hospital's annual health clinic to learn more about the opportunities they offer breeders. Health testing is an important part of responsible dog breeding. | March 21, 2016
Expert Advice: Responsible Breeding Why Eye Tests Are Important For Breeding Programs
In the video above, Warrior Canine Connection's Molly Morelli and canine ophthalmologist Dr. Nancy Bromberg, VMD, MS, DACVO, talk about the importance of examining the eyes of the service dogs used in the organization's breeding program. Warrior Canine Connection uses purpose-bred Labrador and Golden Retriever service dogs in canine connection therapy to help wounded warriors reconnect with […] | March 21, 2016
Expert Advice: Basic Training Does Your Dog Have You Trained? 6 Ways to Know
From our friends at Vetstreet:You may think you own a dog, but chances are good that it's the other way around. Here are six ways to know if your pooch has the upper hand in your relationship.1. You spend little on yourself, but with your dog, the sky is the limit.Though you stay in a bargain hotel, […] | May 8, 2015
Expert Advice: Lifestyle 10 Winter Safety Steps for Dog Owners
A few simple measures can keep your dog safe and happy through the winter.   Avoid Thin Ice Too often we hear stories of dogs that had to be rescued from icy waters (and those are the lucky ones). It might look like fun to slide across that frozen pond, but ice can easily crack and your […] | March 12, 2015
Expert Advice: Conformation How Does a Dog Win Westminster?
As you look down at the Best in Show judging from your seat in the nosebleed section at Madison Square Garden (or from your own couch), you might be inclined to offer your own take on which dog is worthy of the top honor at Westminster.“That pug is the cutest dog in the ring,” you […] | February 17, 2015

Showing 11,981-11,990 of 12,007 results