Showing 11,921-11,930 of 12,007 results

Press Releases CGC: Boy Scouts Say It Has Merit
Boy Scout Troop #550 has been working at shows in Perry, Georgia for several years. This enthusiastic, hardworking group of scouts is recognized by many as the clean-up crew, but they also complete Boy Scout requirements at the shows. Time is scheduled for Scouts to observe breeds and these observations result in reports and projects […] | October 22, 2003
Press Releases AKC Vice President To Oversee Additional Responsibilities
  The American Kennel Club announced today that effective immediately, Noreen E. Baxter will oversee the following departments in addition to her current duties: Communications, Internet Services, Marketing and Publications. Her title of Vice President of Public Education and Canine Legislation will change to Vice President of Communications. "By closely linking the efforts of these […] | October 14, 2003
Chairman's Reports October 2003 Chairman’s Report
Engaged as we all are in the world of purebred dogs, it is often easy to forget that legislators¾whom we must call on to help us protect our rights as dog owners and breeders and to ensure the continuation of our sport¾may know little about the AKC and the fancy beyond the conformation shows they […] | October 13, 2003
Press Releases AKC ACE Presentation in Florida
On Thursday, October 9, Ordi, a German Shepherd Dog and this year's ACE Award winner in the category of Law Enforcement, received an honorary plaque at the German Shepherd Dog Club of America show in Daytona Beach, Florida. A check for $1,000 will be presented to Ordi's handler, Sergeant Tom Otten, at the AKC/Eukanuba National […] | October 9, 2003
Legislative Alerts Supreme Court Denies DDAL Appeal
AKC has learned that the U.S. Supreme Court has denied the Doris Day Animal League's (DDAL) petition to appeal a case against the USDA that would have made all residential breeders of dogs and cats subject to federal licensing and inspection. The decision, which upholds an earlier ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for […] | October 9, 2003
Press Releases AKC ACE Presentation in Pennsylvania
  On Saturday, October 4, Pepper, a German Shepherd Dog and this year's ACE Award recipient in the category of Search and Rescue Dog, received an honorary plaque at the Devon Dog Show Association show in Ludwigs Corner, Pennsylvania. A check for $1,000 and a silver medallion will be presented to Pepper's owners, Richard and […] | October 7, 2003
Press Releases World Agility Championship Results
The American Kennel Club (AKC) welcomed home the AKC/USA World Agility Team after a weekend of intense competition at the World Agility Championship in Lievin, France from September 26-28. The AKC/USA World Agility Team, sponsored by The Iams Company and K9 Advantix , traveled overseas to compete against 30 different countries. The large dog team […] | October 3, 2003
Press Releases AKC Announces Recipients of 2004 Lifetime Achievment Awards
  The AKC Lifetime Achievement Awards honor those individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the sport of purebred dogs on a national level. The recipients are selected by votes cast by AKC member clubs for one of three nominees in the categories of Conformation, Companion Events, and Performance. The awards, engraved Tiffany and Co. […] | October 3, 2003
Press Releases World Team Information for 2004
Date: May 15/16, 2004 Location: Minnesota Requirements: Dogs that are World Team hopefuls are not required to jump higher than their AKC jump height at the AKC Championship and ISC Classes at the Nationals. However, only dogs placing at their full ISC/FCI height can gain an invitation to the AKC World Team Tryouts from the […] | September 19, 2003
Press Releases Skarda Award: New Chairman and Nominations
  The Baton Has Passed! Denny Kodner, former Skarda Chairperson, writes: "Since its inception nine years ago, I have served as chairperson, chief cook and bottle washer of the SKARDA AWARD. During that time, the committee, with the help of you, the fancy, has presented this one of a kind award to nine diverse and […] | September 19, 2003

Showing 11,921-11,930 of 12,007 results