Showing 11,831-11,840 of 12,007 results

Expert Advice: Fun Facts Where Does the Dog Name Fido Come From?
There’s no more clichéd name for a dog than Fido. In fact, it’s so overworked that people no longer name their dogs Fido. You’ll find the name nowhere on those Most Popular Dog Name Lists that crowd the Internet. When the word Fido is used today it’s usually as a slang reference to any dog. […] | January 1, 2009
Expert Advice: Fun Facts If Dogs Could Talk: What Your Pet’s Body Language is Telling You
If Dogs Could Talk: What Your Pet's Body Language is Telling You   Do you ever wonder what your pet is thinking?  Dogs communicate in a very specific way, and body language is part of it.  Paying attention to how your dog is standing, the way his ears are, and how he's looking at you, […] | April 19, 2013
Expert Advice: Fun Facts Difference between a Pure White Siberian Husky and an ‘Isabella’ White Husky
ASK AKC Dear AKC: What is the difference between a pure white Siberian husky and an "Isabella" white husky.I have a 1-year-old male who is solid white, but I do notice in bright sunlight there is a very slight yellow coloring in some areas. When he was a pup all his points (nose, lips, eye rims) […] | May 17, 2015
Expert Advice: Cute & Funny ​10 Things Only Pembroke Welsh Corgi Owners Will Understand
Small but mighty, short but fast, serious but also a goofball. There's just something wonderful about the juxtapositions that make up the Pembroke Welsh Corgi. If you own one we're sure you can relate. Here are ten things that only Pembroke Welsh Corgi owners will understand: 1. Your Pembroke engages in what is known as […] | May 31, 2016
Expert Advice: Cute & Funny Golden Retriever Goes To The Bank, Withdraws Cookie
Gracie's owner works at the bank and brings her along each day; she has become somewhat of an honorary greeter.  She has even developed her very own, lucrative—in treats, of course—business card retrieval business which has lead to internet stardom. Check out Gracie making a withdrawal from her own cookie-savings account.   .video-container { position: relative; […] | March 15, 2016
Expert Advice: Cute & Funny 10 Things Only a Lab Owner Would Understand
  With their active, friendly, and outgoing personality, it's no wonder Labrador Retrievers have been the AKC's most popular breed for 26 years in a row. The Lab is gentle, intelligent, and easy to train. They are excellent guide dogs, loyal members of search-and-rescue teams, and faithful K-9 owners. They're also perfect family pets and […] | January 1, 2009
Expert Advice: Travel & Adventure A Checklist for Your Dog Sitter
We wish we could always bring our dogs with us when we have to go away, but sometimes that's just not possible. Hiring a pet sitter to stay at your home and stick to your dog's regular routine will help make the time you're away a little less stressful for him (but don't worry—you'll still […] | January 31, 2017
Expert Advice: Responsible Breeding Should Breeders Worry About Zika Virus And Their Dogs?
Spring has arrived and, along with the welcomed warmer temperatures, comes the not-so-welcome pesky insects. This includes mosquitoes that can transmit disease to humans and pets. The Zika virus, transmitted through mosquitoes, has been in the news lately as a health concern for humans causing fever and joint pain and, of most concern for pregnant […] | May 16, 2016
Expert Advice: Responsible Breeding Schipperke Breeder Krista Nuovo-Roe on Life With This Foxy-Faced Breed
Dedicated to the Schipperke breed, professional breeder and handler Krista Nuovo-Roe of DeLamer Schipperkes has been involved with dogs since she was a child. Since then she has grown into a serious competitor who has worked extremely hard to produce champion dogs. While Nuovo-Roe began working with a different, much larger type of breed, the […] | November 29, 2016

Showing 11,831-11,840 of 12,007 results