Showing 11,741-11,750 of 12,007 results

Legislative Alerts Massachusetts Commercial Breeder Bill Proposed
Massachusetts fanciers have reported that Rep. Paul Kujawski has once again proposed legislation (H1346) that defines anyone who breeds and sells more than one litter per year as a commercial breeder. Such individuals would further be subject to licensing and inspection. What You Can Do: The Joint Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture has […] | June 3, 2005
Legislative Alerts Senator Santorum Introduces Legislation to Strengthen Enforcement of the Animal Welfare Act
-- Click here for more information about PAWS --   On May 26, 2005 Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA) introduced legislation which will bring under coverage of the federal Animal Welfare Act some persons who import dogs for resale or sell dogs at retail through the internet or the mass media which they did not breed […] | May 27, 2005
Chairman's Reports May 2005 Chairman’s Report
The AKC Canine Good Citizen® program rewards responsible dog ownership and is the national gold standard for recognizing good canine behavior and a dog owner’s commitment to basic training.  The 10-step CGC™ test not only encourages owners to begin a journey with their canine companions that epitomizes the human-animal bond, but is used as a […] | May 26, 2005
Legislative Alerts CA Ear Crop Bill Stopped in Committee
AB418, a bill to ban ear cropping of dogs, was held on the Suspense File yesterday by the Assembly Appropriations Committee. The bill may not be considered again until spring of 2006 when yet another Suspense hearing will be held. While AB418 could indeed be released next year, the proposed legislation is dead for 2005. […] | May 26, 2005
Legislative Alerts Mandatory Spay/Neuter Ordinance Proposed in Austin
Purebred dog owners in Austin—we need your help! The city's Animal Advisory Committee recently approved a proposal that could have a devastating impact on our sport. The measure, which now goes to the City Council for consideration, includes a mandatory spay/neuter provision for all dogs and cats over 6 months of age unless one purchases […] | May 24, 2005
Legislative Alerts Immediate Help Needed on Pending Animal Control Proposals in Florida
There are currently two ordinances being proposed at the county level in Florida which have the potential to dramatically impact the rights of fanciers and hobby breeders. Your help is needed to defeat these proposals and protect the rights of Floridians to responsibly breed, show and own unaltered animals.   Palm Beach County Palm Beach […] | May 23, 2005
Legislative Alerts Last Chance to Help Stop CA Ear Crop Bill in Committee!
California fanciers will recall that the Assembly Appropriations Committee placed AB418—a bill to ban ear cropping—on the Suspense File in April due to concern over its potential financial impact on the state's economy. On May 25th, the committee will hold a hearing to announce which bills will be released from the Suspense file to the […] | May 20, 2005
Chairman's Reports May Chairman’s Report
The AKC Canine Good Citizen® program rewards responsible dog ownership and is the national gold standard for recognizing good canine behavior and a dog owner’s commitment to basic training.  The 10-step CGC™ test not only encourages owners to begin a journey with their canine companions that epitomizes the human-animal bond, but is used as a […] | May 10, 2005
Press Releases American Kennel Club Statement On AKC/CHF Lawsuit
New York, NY – The American Kennel Club (AKC) has been informed by the AKC Canine Health Foundation of an unfavorable verdict in the case of Deborah Lynch v. AKC/CHF. The AKC shares their disappointment and is hopeful that an appeal will prove favorable. In spite of this outcome, the AKC is proud of the […] | May 4, 2005
Legislative Alerts Ohio Looks at Repealing Breed-Specific Law
In response to a state Supreme Court decision last year that declared part of Ohio's breed-specific dangerous dog law unconstitutional , Representatives Kathy Walcher and Shawn Webster are sponsoring HB189. The bill makes significant revisions to the state's dangerous dog law, the most important being the repeal of an existing breed-specific provision that automatically declares […] | May 3, 2005

Showing 11,741-11,750 of 12,007 results