Showing 11,731-11,740 of 12,007 results

Legislative Alerts California Considers Allowing Breed-Specific Laws
In response to a request from San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsome, Senator Jackie Speier is sponsoring SB 861, a bill that will allow local governments to regulate dogs by breed as long as they do not ban specific breeds. Currently, California is one of 12 states that prohibits local governments from enacting breed-specific ordinances. SB […] | June 24, 2005
Legislative Alerts Remarks from Dr. J. Holt Regarding PAWS 2005
-- Click here for more information about PAWS -- --Monday June, 13 AKC Delegate Meeting, Chicago IL Remarks from Dr. James Holt, AKC's Legislative Liaison Regarding the Pet Animal Welfare Statute of 2005-- The Chair now calls on Dr. James Holt, AKC's Legislative Liaison to address this body. Dr. Holt: Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and […] | June 20, 2005
Press Releases AKC Honors Fancier John Fredericks with a Community Achievement Award
New York, NY — The American Kennel Club (AKC®) announced today that John Fredericks, meteorologist at KVBC Channel 3 in Las Vegas and Vegas Valley Dog Obedience Club member, has been named a recipient of the AKC Community Achievement Award for his public education efforts throughout the Las Vegas metropolitan area. Fredericks was one of […] | June 16, 2005
Press Releases AKC Honors Fancier Patte Klecan with a Community Achievement Award
New York, NY — The American Kennel Club (AKC®) announced today that Patte Klecan of Albuquerque, New Mexico has been named a recipient of the AKC Community Achievement Award for her diligent work on legislative matters of interest to the dog fancy. She was one of two honorees this quarter – John Fredericks of the […] | June 16, 2005
Chairman's Reports June 2005 Chairman’s Report
The AKC is committed to maintaining the freedoms we deserve and are fortunate to enjoy when it comes to owning, breeding and showing dogs. We are firmly opposed to any unreasonable infringement on the rights of hobby breeders who are dedicated to nurturing our beloved breeds and responsibly enjoying our sport. With this in mind, […] | June 13, 2005
Legislative Alerts AKC Board of Directors Convenes to Address Pet Animal Welfare Statute of 2005
-- Click here for more information about PAWS --   -- Board Reaffirms Support of Proposed Legislation --   Chicago, IL - At a meeting of the American Kennel Club (AKC®) Board of Directors today, the Board reaffirmed their position to support the principles in the Pet Animal Welfare Statute (PAWS) of 2005, a bill […] | June 12, 2005
Legislative Alerts Jim Holt Interview
-- Click here for more information about PAWS -- The following is an interview with AKC's federal government relations consultant Jim Holt in response to dog owners' questions about PAWS. The article originally appeared in Dog News June 10th, 2005. Who is regulated under current law and how would PAWS change that? In simple terms, […] | June 10, 2005
Legislative Alerts Analysis of PAWS (SB1139/HR2669)
-- Click here for more information about PAWS -- To help dog owners better understand the recently introduced PAWS legislation, please see the bill analysis below as prepared by Dr. James Holt, AKC's federal government relations consultant. SECTION BY SECTION ANALYSIS OF S. 1139/H.R. 2669, THE "PET ANIMAL WELFARE STATUTE" (PAWS) INTRODUCED MAY 26, 2005. […] | June 9, 2005
Press Releases AKC Welcomes 2005 Summer Interns
The American Kennel Club (AKC®) is pleased to welcome ten students chosen to participate in the 2005 AKC Internship Program. The program- open to college students with a background and interest in purebred dogs- is designed to further their professional development as well as help AKC identify potential employees with experience in both AKC operations […] | June 9, 2005
Legislative Alerts Pet Animal Welfare Statute (PAWS)–FAQs
-- Click here for more information about PAWS --   On May 26, 2005 Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA) introduced legislation which will bring under federal regulation persons who import large numbers of dogs for resale, individuals who sell dogs at retail through the internet or the mass media, and high volume breeders who sell dogs […] | June 3, 2005

Showing 11,731-11,740 of 12,007 results